Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Sen. Johnson Reveals Big Tech-CDC Censorship Collusion Timeline
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) exposed how the CDC was behind censoring its own data.

ABC, CBS Ignore Report CDC is Hiding COVID Data from Public
On Sunday the New York Times published a shocking report that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted that some COVID vaccine data was not disclosed to the public because it could lead to misinformation. While the CDC openly admitting that it is trying to hide vital health information from the public is big news, apparently only one of the evening newscasts…

Nets Censor Proof Teachers’ Unions Dictating Biden Reopen Policy
Earlier this year, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) defended President Biden from the obvious fact that he was beholden to Democratic special interests like the teachers’ unions, who were holding the welfare of students hostage by refusing to reopen schools. But over the weekend, the New York Post broke a major story that exposed how teachers’ unions were influencing Biden’s…

CNN 'New Day' Hosts Troll Trump on His 'War on Facts and Science'
On Thursday’s New Day, CNN hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota hurled juvenile attacks at President Trump over his public disagreement with CDC director Robert Redfield on masks. Camerota said Trump was "escalating his war on facts and science." Berman said "He also lies about everything from crowd sizes to injecting disinfectant, so there's that."

Unmasking Mask Hypocrisy at the New York Times and Time Magazine

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Proposes Gun-Control Laws That Already Exist

'Progressive Men's Magazine' Adds HIV-Positive Blood to Ink on Cover

Salon's Walsh: It's 'No Accident' Ebola Victim Died in 'Perry's Texas'