Brian Schweitzer

CNN Hounds Democratic Politician for Refusing to Back Hillary
September 18th, 2015 1:07 PM
CNN's Alisyn Camerota and Chris Cuomo pressed former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer on Friday's New Day over his current refusal to endorse Hillary Clinton or any candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. When Schweitzer pointed out that "Hillary Clinton has been in our living room, on our television now for the last 20 years," Camerota interjected, "But isn't that a good thing?…

NBC Notices Dem Who 'Managed to Offend Democrats, Republicans, Gays, a
June 20th, 2014 3:54 PM
After all three broadcast networks initially ignored offensive comments from former Democratic Montana Governor and possible 2016 presidential candidate Brian Schweitzer claiming outgoing Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor set off his "gaydar," on Friday, NBC's Today took notice of gaffe, with correspondent Peter Alexander declaring: "...a tough-talking Montana Democrat known for…

All Three Networks Skip Possible 2016 Dem Candidate's 'Gaydar' Gaffe
June 19th, 2014 5:05 PM
All three networks on Wednesday morning skipped a gaffe by a possible 2016 Democratic presidential candidate. In an interview with National Journal, former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer asserted that Republican Congressman Eric Cantor set off his "gaydar" and that southern men are "effeminate." The silence contrasts greatly to how the networks pounced on a gaffe by Todd Akin in 2012. …

Defending Obama Deal, Schweitzer Won't Call Released Prisoners Terrori
June 2nd, 2014 8:34 AM
You really have to watch Brian Schweitzer in action to get just how much of a blowhard he is. By the end of his appearance on today's Morning Joe, even Mika Brzezinski seemed mortified by the antics of her fellow Democrat. And Bill Kristol's expression of utter disdain for the former Montana governor was worth the price of admission alone.
In the course of his appearance, Schweitzer--…

'Morning Joe' Lets Democratic Governor Skate on Polygamy Swipe At Romn
April 26th, 2012 9:10 AM
There could be only one good reason to have Dem Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer on Morning Joe: to grill him on his ugly anti-Mormon swipe at Mitt Romney. Schweitzer recently said that Romney would have trouble attracting women voters because "his family came from a polygamy commune in Mexico."
So naturally I waited for Mika Brzezinksi, Mark Halperin, Cokie Roberts--anyone!--to raise the…
Unreported: Montana Governor's 'Senior Counsel' Not Licensed to Practi
September 2nd, 2008 3:17 AM
There is an ethics squabble going on in Montana perpetrated by the senior counsel to the Democrat Governor of Montana, Brian Schweitzer. It has been revealed that the Governor's "senior counsel," a man named Eric Stern, has been caught trying to "back-door" the judge in a case in which he is involved on behalf of Governor Schweitzer. The ethics violation is bad enough, but it has also been…