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Bill Allison
Soros-Funded Expert Changes Tune: Clinton Foundation a 'Slush Fund'
April 27th, 2015 4:39 PM
On Thursday and Friday, NBC touted "ethics expert" Bill Allison of the Sunlight Foundation – a group funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros – dismissing the Clinton Foundation scandal: "There's no smoking gun, there's no evidence that she changed a policy based on the donations to the foundation." However, as reported in Sunday's New York Post, Allison seemed to change his mind, now…
Solyndra CEO Resigns, Major Backer Evasive on Taxes; Will Media Report
October 13th, 2011 5:02 PM
Two more shoes dropped in the Solyndra scandal today, but it remains to be seen their sound will stir the sleepy liberal lapdog media.
Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison resigned last Friday, the Associated Press reported early this afternoon.
Oh, and while the media of late have cheerleading the Democratic push for a new surtax on millionaires, don't expect the news media, particularly MSNBC, to…