Ben Jacobs

Daily Beast Attempts to Paint Iowa Republican Joni Ernst as Nullificat
July 28th, 2014 7:00 PM
Recent polls show a tight contest in the Iowa Senate race to replace retiring liberal Democrat Tom Harkin (D), so leave it to the Daily Beast to hype a video clip it recently unearthed to insist that it is evidence that Republican nominee Joni Ernst as a nut who betrays a "shocking ignorance" [see image below page break] about constitutional law regarding the Tenth Amendment and state…

Wendy's Woes Mount: Texas Dem Padding Dismal Fundraising Report, Daily
July 17th, 2014 6:02 PM
Texas State Senator and MSNBC heroine Wendy Davis is not doing that hot in the fundraising race as she pursues her shot for governor of the Lone Star state, the Daily Beast reported today.
"As if things weren’t going badly enough for Wendy Davis, the Texas gubernatorial candidate got caught inflating her campaign’s finances this week by counting a Willie Nelson concert as a contribution,"…
Daily Beast Bellows 'Boehner Blocks Equal Rights' by Opposing ENDA
November 4th, 2013 4:35 PM
By virtue of his concerns about the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) is standing in the way of "equal rights" for gay and lesbian Americans in the workplace, the Daily Beast groused today. "Boehner Blocks Equal Rights," complained a teaser headline on
"The path towards the Employment Non-Discrimination Act or ENDA becoming law took one…

Daily Beast Lies About Cuccinelli's Appeal of Sodomy Case, Scoffs at N
October 31st, 2013 1:35 PM
If you're a real libertarian, what should matter to you most of all is sexual freedom, all other issues be damned. That's the insulting subtext to Ben Jacobs's October 31 story at The Daily Beast, "Ken Cuccinelli's Libertarian Love Affair."
"Can the anti-sodomy candidate be the standard bearer for libertarians?" Jacobs asked in his lead paragraph, adding, "Ken Cuccinelli sure hopes so."…

Daily Beast: 'Journalists Don't Retire, They Just Join the Obama Admin
September 13th, 2013 11:44 AM
"These days, journalists don’t retire, they just join the Obama administration," quipped Ben Jacobs of the Daily Beast in his September 13 post, "From Rick Stengel to David Axelrod, All of the President’s Journalists."
But rather than see a problem with the liberal media-Democratic administration revolving door, Jacobs's story was decidedly matter-of-fact. Indeed, he portrayed it more as the…