Ben Hubbard

Pence 'Rocks' Israel's Parliament? Not What the NY Times Reported
January 28th, 2018 3:14 PM
Americans were used to stories about how Barack Obama drew standing ovations in every country he visited. So it was a bit surprising to see this Jerusalem Post headline: “Pence Speech Rife with Biblical References Rocks the Knesset….VP Pence’s Biblical speech to Knesset met with multiple standing ovations.” The New York Times spin was dramatically different. They couldn't even mention the…

More Emotional Anti-Israel Slant from the New York Times: 'A Wave of T
August 4th, 2014 8:52 PM
As the fighting rages on in Israel, the New York Times again showed its anti-Israel slant in two days of stories that went beyond dispassionate journalism and into emotional manipulation.
Times readers on Monday were greeted with a large front-page photo of a Palestinian man carrying an injured child. Also on Monday's front: Ben Hubbard and Jodi Rudoren's "Questions of Weapons and Warnings in…

U.S. Press Virtually Ignoring Strong Anti-Obama and Anti-American Sent
June 30th, 2013 2:54 PM
As I noted on Friday, the final sentence in an AP report earlier that day (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on protests in Egypt read: "One banner depicted President Barack Obama and said, 'Obama supports terrorism.'"
I predicted with little risk of being wrong that the existence of this banner would not "survive future AP reports" -- and it hasn't,…