Public Broadcasting
Jemele Hill: MSNBC Racist To Fire Cross, Others 'Voting For Cruelty'
The Atlantic’s Jemele Hill book tour took her to Thursday’s Amanpour and Company on PBS to discuss her life and career as a sports journalist who has become a left-wing activist. During the sit-down, Hill would suggest it was racist for MSNBC to fire Tiffany Cross and alleged that “many people are comfortable voting for cruelty.”
The 'P' in PBS Stands for 'Phony,' as in Phony 'Republicans' on Screen
The fraudulent impression of balance on the PBS NewsHour doesn’t just occur on Friday night with Jonathan Capehart “versus” David Brooks as they agree on nearly everything. On Wednesday night, the NewsHour had an interview segment with "Democrat and Republican strategists," but the alleged Republican is openly rooting for the Democrats to win.
Bitter Wisconsin Public Radio Slimes Ron Johnson as 'Polarizing'
Wisconsin Public Radio, while announcing the election victory of Ron Johnson, made sure to slime the senator as a "polarizing and controversial figure."
NPR Blatantly Takes Sides with 'Subdued' Democrat vs. 'Loud' Kari Lake
NPR was roundly bashed on Twitter on Election Night for its florid spin against Arizona's Republican gubernatorial nominee, Kari Lake. The Republicans are election deniers, the Democrats defend election integrity. That spin is tidy.
NPR Offers Softball Interviews to Radical Climate Gallery Vandals
National Public Radio -- the left-wing outfit that promoted the Marxist book In Defense of Looting -- is also providing puffball interviews to one of those radical "Just Stop Oil" nuts who throw soup at a Van Gogh painting and then glued herself to the wall. On Tuesday's Morning Edition, NPR host Steve Inskeep was letting young, pink-haired Phoebe Plummer compare herself to…
Capehart Declares Liberals Are Right To 'Feel Apocalyptic'
Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart joined New York Times columnist David Brooks and PBS NewsHour host Judy Woodruff on Friday for their weekly recap of the news that was. Capehart declared that as the country heads into the midterms, people are right to “feel apocalyptic” because “they are personally at risk.”
NPR Bizarrely Touts Its Star Nina Totenberg Mangling Media Ethics
NPR’s most famous correspondent, Supreme Court reporter Nina Totenberg, shamelessly wrote a book called Dinners with Ruth celebrating her close friendship with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. On Wednesday, NPR Public Editor Kelly McBride took on the notion that Totenberg shredded media ethics and tried to turn it into a positive.
NPR Airs Audio Of Woman Getting Abortion: Vacuum, Moaning, Crying
Voice of America Howls ‘Disinformation’ May Spark ‘Election Violence’
The sky is falling! A leftist state media outlet is using its massive budget to spread government propaganda about so-called “disinformation” possibly causing “election violence.”
PBS Warns Of Civil War Started By 'Christian' 'White Men'
PBS took the democracy is in danger hysteria to new levels on Tuesday’s Amanpour and Company as Hari Sreenivasan interviewed Prof. Barbara F. Walter to inquire on just how close the United States is to another civil war. Walter, who wrote the book How Civil Wars Start, warned that all the pieces are in place for “Christian” “white men” to start one.
Actress on NPR: Abortion Is 'Our Society's Insurance Policy' for Sex
For your daily laugh that NPR calls their evening newscast All Things Considered, on Saturday they celebrated the new pro-abortion movie Call Jane with actress Elizabeth Banks. She said "abortion is sort of our society's insurance policy that, for all the sex that we all have that is not intended to make babies - and I don't know about you, but most of the sex I've had in my…
Why NPR Can't Lecture Anyone About Refusing to Condemn Rioting
We know National Public Radio has promoted a book called In Defense of Looting and championed an author who wants riots to be described as "rebellions," as an admirable political tactic. On Monday's Morning Edition, NPR anchor Steve Inskeep welcomed a radical leftist author who thinks President Biden shouldn't have spoken out against rioting in 2020.
The 1/6 Pelosi Publicists Have Barely Noticed the John Durham Probe
ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and NPR are all expected to air live coverage of the last hearing of the Pelosi-picked panel investigating the January 6 riot. This is the ninth hearing (two of them in prime time) that these networks have provided hours of free publicity to Pelosi and the Democrats, who are using today's hearing to raise funds in the midterms. Meanwhile, all of them are ignoring special…
Column: Let's Compare 'Where's Jackie?' to 'Coco Chow'
By now, everyone who follows politics should recognize that the liberal media will deliberately ignore embarrassing gaffes by Joe Biden, especially if they suggest he’s not mentally sharp enough to be the president. Biden asking “Where’s Jackie?” about a congresswoman killed in a car crash two months ago was a TV black hole: nothing on the morning and evening newscasts on ABC, CBS, NBC, and…