Public Broadcasting
PBS's Balanced Trump Indictment Talk? GOP: ‘Traitor…Belongs in Jail'
Amanpour & Co’s idea of a balanced segment on the news of Donald Trump’s third indictment for “conspiring to defraud” the United States for contesting his loss in 2020? Hosting a sitting liberal Democrat, Rep. Joe Neguse, and the ex-Republican (in all senses) Rep. Joe Walsh, who ran against Trump in the 2020 primary and remains fiercely opposed. Amanpour’s Tuesday evening…
PBS Indulges Neurotic Liberals With ‘Climate Psychology Therapist’
The PBS NewsHour is once again indulging the apocalyptic fears of residents of the liberal bubble (i.e. their viewing audience) with a full segment on the psychological woes wrought by…climate change. On Sunday’s edition of the tax-supported program, anchor John Yang interviewed a “climate psychology therapist” over this rather niche, first-world woe.
Brooks: GOP Position On Oil Drilling 'Is a Way to Offend The Elites'
PBS NewsHour’s weekly recap with New York Times columnist David Brooks and Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart began with a discussion on, of all things, Republican attitudes towards climate change. During the discussion, Brooks, the supposedly conservative half of the duo, reduced oil drilling to a simple way of Republicans to offend elite…
PBS Hosts Radical Journo: US Fell Into Racist Violence After Obama Win
Wednesday’s PBS NewsHour featured a chat with radical (Pulitzer Prize winning) journalist Wesley Lowery about his new book on how white Americans and the Republican Party became scared and possibly dangerous racists after Barack Obama’s election. Lowery is making the book-tour rounds publicizing American Whitelash. Lowery, formerly a journalist for the Washington Post…
WashPost Writers Fight On Hunter's 'Sweetheart Deal,' Hillary's Server
Washington Post associate editor Jonathan Capehart may have got more than he bargained for on Friday’s PBS NewsHour as he took great offense to colleague and contributor Gary Abernathy’s assessment that the Department of Justice cannot continue to indict former President Donald Trump while giving “a sweetheart deal” to Hunter Biden and expect to be taken seriously. Later,…
PBS’s Amanpour: DeSantis Hates Women, GOP ‘Cruel, Racist…Misogynistic'
On Tuesday’s edition of Amanpour & Co., airing both on CNN International and tax-funded PBS, host Christiane Amanpour brought on a left-wing magazine journalist and a Democratic strategist for a long conversation harping on the racist, misogynistic evils of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis (almost as bad as Trump!) and reelecting Joe Biden, without the slightest of journalistic nods…
NPR: Jason Aldean Song/Video Attacks Cities 'Using Racist Dog Whistle'
Amanda Marie Martinez, a country-music focused contributor to National Public Radio issued a print piece in response to a media-manufactured controversy Saturday, “Jason Aldean's 'Small Town' is part of a long legacy with a very dark side.” Martinez’s ideological alarmism about Aldean’s song, which survived industry cancellation and debuted at #2 on the Billboard Hot 100, an amazing…
PBS Touts ‘Startling Connections': 'Gun Ownership...White Supremacy'
Congressional reporter Laura Barron-Lopez interviewed leftist professor Cynthia Miller-Idriss for Monday’s PBS News Hour. Miler-Idriss is well known at both left-wing MSNBC and the supposedly objective, taxpayer-supported PBS for her wacky notions. Previously she linked going to the gym with far-right extremism. Monday’s ostensible subject was gun violence, but the host and her…
NPR, VA Media Lose It Over Youngkin’s New School Transgender Policy
In reaction to Governor Glenn Youngkin’s (R-VA) new policy unveiled last week for schools regarding transgenderism, local media in the D.C. market (including an NPR affiliate) and across the Potomac in Virginia again twisted themselves into nervous knots over how on Earth voters in the Commonwealth could have elected someone in a platform of parental involvement in education.
PBS Abortion Reporter Pushes Fear: ‘Very Extremist Christian Language'
PBS’s post-Dobbs abortion coverage has been all one-way: No celebration of saving babies or showing respect for the culture of life. Instead, the focus has been 100% on lost opportunities to abort, with the hardest cases nationwide reliably rounded up and presented as commonplace, leaning on the alleged horrors occurring in red states that have instituted abortion bans. Sarah Varney,…
NYT, NPR Bash Popular 'Sound of Freedom' Film on Child-Trafficking
The New York Times’ initial review of Sound of Freedom, a thriller based on child-trafficking-buster Tim Ballard, was negative but nonpolitical. But now that Trump has spoken up, the Times has jumped back into the media-manufactured controversy, as did taxpayer-supported National Public Radio. The Times and NPR unearthed “experts” to offer petulant…
PBS Empathizes With Clinton Defense Sec on Fascist Trump, Useless GOP
Bianna Golodryga hosted Wednesday’s edition of Amanpour & Co. (airing on CNN International and tax-funded PBS) and commiserated with William Cohen, former “Republican” Defense Secretary to Democratic president Bill Clinton, about the awful state of the Republican Party in the wake of Donald Trump’s third indictment: "So given what you have just laid out, on top of news,…
PBS Backers Whine: 'House Republicans Take Fresh Aim at Big Bird'
Sesame Street is now an HBO Max property, but TV reporter John Eggerton at Broadcasting & Cable magazine still warned "House Republicans Take Fresh Aim at Big Bird." On Friday, the Republican-controlled House Appropriations Education Subcommittee voted to zero out funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting starting in fiscal year 2026.
PBS Film Fest Runs With Abortion, LGBTQ,'White Supremacist Patriarchy'
Publicly funded PBS sponsors a sort of film festival of short films, gathered from their public media partners and PBS member stations nationwide. The festival had an theatrical premier in Manhattan in July before switching to digital streaming. This year there are 25 entries, mostly documentaries, none of which sound like the next coming of Quentin Tarantino. Painful leftist earnestness…