Tom Harkin

Hypocritical NY Times Pleads for Governing, Not Tea Party Partisanship
January 3rd, 2015 10:39 PM
Reporters Carl Hulse and Robert Pear teamed up in the New York Times to lament the decline of cooperation in Congress -- a hypocritical stretch in particular for Hulse, whose reporting invariably has a partisan Democratic tone. The slant was clear in this survey of wisdom from four retiring congressmen, two Democrats and two Republicans. While dubious talk of compromise emanated from the mouths…

ABC’s Karl: ‘Is Hillary Clinton…Too Hawkish’ For Democrats In 2016?'
September 14th, 2014 2:45 PM
In a similar theme to NBC’s Meet the Press, ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos used Hillary Clinton’s visit to Iowa as an opportunity to play up liberal dissatisfaction with the potential 2016 presidential candidate.
ABC’s Jonathan Karl traveled to Indianola, Iowa to speak with retiring Democratic Senator Tom Harkin ahead of his annual Harkin Steak Fry event. During the interview, Karl…

Flip-Flop-Flip: NY Times Opposes Filibusters... When They Frustrate De
November 22nd, 2013 6:49 PM
"Look, folks, we love the filibuster when Democrats use it against Republicans, but really hate it when Republicans use it against Democrats."
If the New York Times editorial board were completely honest, that's exactly what they'd admit in print to their readers. Instead the Gray Lady keeps shifting her point of view on the parliamentary maneuver depending on whose ox is gored. On January 1…

Delusional Schultz: Social Security is 'Cheap,' Doesn't Contribute to
July 29th, 2013 1:59 PM
Ed Schultz took a dive off the deep end on Saturday’s The Ed Show, claiming that Social Security is a “cheap” program that “has never contributed one penny to the deficit.” The bombastic MSNBC host also blasted Republicans who support partially privatizing Social Security, arguing those lawmakers just want to “get their hands on the money.”
Schultz echoed similar arguments made by Rep. Mark…

Maddow Asks: Why Are Senate Democrats 'Fleeing Like Rats From a Sinkin
April 25th, 2013 3:20 PM
Yesterday, Sen. Max Baucus announced that he is retiring in 2014, making the six-term Montana Democrat the sixth senator of his party to step down two years from now instead of running for re-election.
That statistic alarmed Rachel Maddow, the liberal host of a weeknight program on MSNBC, who asked anxiously on Tuesday: “Tell us if something is wrong there. What is the secret about this place…

O'Reilly Tells Ingraham NBC's Todd Worked for Lib Senator, 'His Wife M
September 12th, 2011 12:34 AM
The story broken by NewsBusters last week involving Chuck Todd saying NBC's pollsters were "concerned" about President Obama's poll numbers has brought some scrutiny on the Peacock Network's chief White House correspondent.
After radio's Laura Ingraham questioned Todd about this issue Thursday, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly brought her on his program Friday saying, "We did a little research on Mr…

No Media Reckoning for Harkin's False Deficit History
July 21st, 2011 11:29 PM
Iowa Senator Tom Harkin was at his worst Wednesday morning in a press conference.
Sure, there was the usual immature Democratic Party name-calling -- calling Republicans "dead-beat debtors" and characterizing Republicans who oppose raising the debt ceiling as a "cult fringe," even though polls seem to be showing that 60% of Americans are in that "fringe." But beyond that, Harkin uttered a…
Ed Schultz Parrots Inane Harkin Idea of 50 New 'Preventative Clinics
September 29th, 2009 10:34 PM
This is what passes for fairness from liberals. On his radio show Friday, Ed Schultz demonstrated that he hasn't a clue as to how the principle actually works. Take it away, Ed (click here for audio) --SCHULTZ (talking to caller): What do we need? We need stories is what we need. We need people to stand up and tell their story in front of elected officials and demand some answers, as this lady…
Dr. Nancy 'Big Fan' Of Sebelius; Andrea Applauds Harkin for ADA
July 28th, 2009 5:27 PM
Did someone make this "Declare Your Devotion To a Dem Day" at MSNBC? You have to wonder. During the network's noon hour, Dr. Nancy Snyderman declared herself a "big fan" of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.Not to be outdone, during the following hour Andrea Mitchell ended her interview with Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Ia.) by thanking him profusely—and I mean at length—for having pushed through passage…
Politico: Sen. Harkin: 'We Need the Fairness Doctrine Back
February 11th, 2009 11:53 AM
The Senator Of Course Gets to Keep His MicrophoneIt seems you can't swing a dead cat in the United States Senate without hitting another proponent of a reinstatement of the Censorship Doctrine.In today's Politico Michael Calderone delivers the second addition to the censors list in less than a week. Last Thursday, it was Michigan Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow. Today it's Iowa Democratic…