Steven Spielberg

Steven Spielberg Blasts ‘Censorship’ Of Books & Movies For Woke Mob
April 26th, 2023 11:50 AM
Yeah, we’ve been saying that was dumb for years.

Spielberg and Wife Gave $3,500,000 to Libs So Far This Electoral Cycle
February 12th, 2020 10:52 AM
The liberal director of The Washington Post-touting film The Post (2017) Steven Spielberg has not kept silent about his disdain for President Donald Trump, and neither has his wallet. Liberal filmmaker Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw have contributed $3,500,000 collectively to liberal outside spending groups so far this cycle.

Daily Beast Sees Trump in Documentary Series ‘Why We Hate’
October 17th, 2019 7:24 AM
The Discovery Channel's six part documentary series "Why We Hate" which was executive produced by Steven Spielberg premiers on Sunday on the Discovery Channel. So do you have any idea which person is being focused upon by the Daily Beast as an example of perpetrating hate? Of course you do. It is the Big Bad Orange Man aka President Donald Trump.

Hillary, Chelsea Clinton Plan to Launch Feminist Production Company
May 31st, 2019 2:24 PM
If there’s one thing to admire about Hillary Clinton, it’s her persistence. She persistently fails. She and Bill bombed their recent speaking tour. She failed both times she ran for president (when both times the DNC poised her to win) and she failed as Secretary of State. Now she wants to fail as a Hollywood producer. According to Bloomberg, Hillary Clinton and her media groomed daughter…

Spielberg, Abrams Select Lena Dunham to Adapt Syrian Refugee Movie
October 30th, 2018 1:15 PM
Pair “Trump” with “Immigrants,” “Minorities,” or “Nationalists” and you are well on your way to constructing a leftist clickbait headline that will send the internet into a flurry of excitement, virtue signaling, and speculation. But legendary directors J.J. Abrams and Steven Spielberg are now trying to shatter the internet’s expectations with (shockingly) a non-Trump combo: “Lena Dunham” and “…

Ironic: HRC and Spielberg Team Up to Make Feminist Doc
August 1st, 2018 4:15 PM
Psst. Want to hear a joke? How about the one where Hillary Clinton -- you know, the woman who wasn’t going to “Stand By Her Man” until she did and enabled her husband’s sexual abuse and philandering -- claimed to be a women’s rights advocate? Hilarious, isn’t it? While a joke for sensible people, Hillary has been quite insistent that she stands on the shoulders of the giants of the women’s…

Variety: Spielberg Wants DiCaprio for U.S. Grant Biopic
May 18th, 2018 2:27 PM
These are interesting times for the legacy of Ulysses Simpson Grant. On the one hand, Ron Chernow’s 2017 biography started or furthered a reputational rehabilitation of the 18th president, whose administration was tainted with corruption (though Grant himself was never implicated).

Steven Spielberg: Trump Administration ‘Distorts The Truth’
January 12th, 2018 3:35 PM
Hollywood will use any chance it gets to spew liberal talking points on air.
In an interview with Jon Snow of Channel 4 News, a British outlet, director Steven Spielberg tried to draw parallels between the present administration and the Nixon administration as portrayed in his film, The Post. Spielberg defended former president Richard Nixon, blamed President Trump for fake news, and, of course…

Bozell & Graham Column: Spielberg Spoils the Press Rotten
January 6th, 2018 7:27 AM
Steven Spielberg has made a new movie glorifying The Washington Post and how it rallied against Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War in the Pentagon Papers court fight of 1971. It’s simply called The Post, and everyone is drawing a comparison between Nixon's difficult relationship with the press and Donald Trump's. The media, of course, were guaranteed to gush over this movie that polishes their…

'Post' Nightmare: Spielberg, Streep Dodge Killer Obama Question
December 30th, 2017 12:56 PM
Meet Husam Sam Asi, a BBC TV host and founder of Asi recently interviewed The Post stars and wasn’t satisfied with throwing the screen legends softballs. He hunkered down and challenged them with more substantial queries. For example, he reminded Meryl Streep and Steven Spielberg that President Barack Obama flexed his might against journalists via the Espionage Act.

'Post' Movie Produced By Lefty Group Behind 'Inconvenient Truth'
December 20th, 2017 2:18 PM
This year for Christmas The Washington Post is getting a rosy movie named after itself. The Post film, due out Dec. 22, dramatizes the paper’s 1971 decision to publish the Pentagon Papers which revealed the White House had been lying about the Vietnam War. The film was produced by Participant Media, a media company funded by left-leaning donors that often creates left-wing films.

Variety Film Critic 'Shivers' for 'Freedom-Fighting' WashPost Movie
March 12th, 2017 5:39 PM
Variety film critic Owen Gleiberman sounded a little like Chris Matthews when he "felt a shiver of anticipation" at the new "Trump-timed" Steven Spielberg movie project, mythologizing The Washington Post in 1971 pushing to expose the "Pentagon Papers" to underline the "futility" of the Vietnam War, which Gleiberman proclaimed part of the "liberal catechism."
Gleiberman hoped "If there’s a new…

Big Money: Clinton's 9 Richest Celeb Fans Are Worth $15.7 Bil
September 26th, 2016 8:26 PM
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has garnered a vast Hollywood following. Of the top 50 wealthiest celebrities, at least nine have thrown their support behind Clinton, and are using their influence and money to promote her campaign.

Steven Spielberg/Lonesome Rhodes Failed to Make Hillary Likeable
September 27th, 2015 1:55 PM
Even Lonesome Rhodes, I mean director Steven Spielberg, couldn't make Hillary Clinton's image more likeable. According to a New York Post excerpt of Edward Klein's book, "Unlikeable," Spielberg acting as Hillary's "consigli di immagine," tried but failed in this difficult endeavor. When you see the video clip below of Lonesome Rhodes in the movie "A Face In the Crowd" giving similar advice to…