Steve Daines

Scared Chuck Todd: Republicans on SCOTUS ‘Suicide Mission’!
With Senate Republicans securing the votes to give President Trump’s upcoming Supreme Court nominee a confirmation hearing before the election, on Tuesday, terrified MSNBC Democratic hack Chuck Todd desperately tried to gaslight GOP lawmakers into thinking they were flirting with “political disaster” and on a “suicide mission.”

MSNBC: ‘How Much Blame’ Does Trump Get for Montana Incident?
During Thursday’s 3 p.m. ET hour, MSNBC anchor Craig Melvin just naturally assumed that President Trump deserved blame for Montana congressional candidate Creg Gianforte assaulting a reporter: “And how much blame should President Trump get, considering some of the rhetoric that we’ve heard from this president and – well, before he was president – and from the candidate himself?”

NBC: Was McConnell Being ‘Sexist?’ Tout New ‘Feminists Battle Cry’
The Big Three networks were eager Wednesday evening to drag out the Senate drama involving Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren being “silenced” by the mean old Republicans. But reporter Kasie Hunt took the story lower and wondered if Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was being sexist to his colleague. She even pressed Warren herself for an answer, “Do you think what senator McConnell…

Nets Silent on Trump Pro-Life Support, Stress Clinton Abortion Backing
The networks have long been friends of Planned Parenthood, which turns 100 on Sunday. So when the nation’s largest abortion provider endorses one of their favorite politicians, it’s like a media match made, well, not in heaven.
GOP Senator Calls Out Andrea Mitchell’s ‘Bias’; She Proves Him Right
In an interview with Republican Montana Senator Steve Daines on Wednesday about his endorsement of Marco Rubio for president, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell continued pushing attacks on Rubio’s Senate attendance: “One argument, though, is that he has not been in the Senate very much....That since announcing his candidacy has missed 42% of his votes.” Daines hit back: “Yeah, well, I think that’s an…

Chris Matthews Charges GOP Senators with 'Sedition' Over Iran Letter
In a sign that the liberal media is deathly afraid of the American public coming around to Republican criticisms of President Obama vis-a-vis Iran, Hardball host Chris Matthews tonight suggested Republican senators may be guilty of sedition by violating the 1799 Logan Act.
NBC Covers UNC Academic Scandal, Yet Skipped Plagiarist Montana Dem
On July 24, it was discovered that Senator John Walsh (D-Mont.) had plagiarized his thesis statement as part of earning a master’s degree from the United States Army War College and led to the College revoking his degree on October 10. Back on August 7, Walsh announced that he would not be seeking reelection (as he originally planned) and would leave office after his term ends. Throughout the…
AP Conveniently Overlooks Moonbat Declarations of New Montana Senate N
What does it say about the Montana Democratic Party that they nominated a flat out moonbat to be their Senate nominee? Perhaps they knew that since they were going to lose that seat anyways, they would entertain us with a laughable candidate. Just by reading the Associated Press description of the new Senate nominee, Amanda Curtis, hastily chosen in the wake of the John Walsh plagiarism…

Networks Continue To Ignore Scandal-Plagued Democratic Senator Droppin
On Thursday, August 7, Senator John Walsh (D-Mont.) formally announced that he will not run for a full term in the Senate following revelations that he plagiarized large portions of his master’s thesis from the Army War College. Despite Walsh’s announcement, the “Big Three” (ABC, CBS, NBC) have yet to cover the story during their 19 hours of air time from Thursday night through Sunday…
Networks Avoid Scandal-Plagued Democratic Senator Dropping Election Bi
Despite a combined eight available hours of programming on Friday, all three network morning shows avoided the news that a scandal-plagued Democratic senator from Montana dropped a reelection bid. This move leaves the seat as a likely Republican takeover in the 2014 midterms. But viewers wouldn't know that on ABC's Good Morning America, NBC's Today and CBS This Morning. John Walsh left the…

As Brent Bozell Predicted, Big Three Newscasts Ignore Plagiarist Dem D
It looks like Shannon Bream of Fox News lost a friendly bet with Brent Bozell, the president and founder of the Media Research Center, NewsBusters's parent company. On last night's Kelly File, the fill-in anchor argued that the liberal broadcast networks would have to devote time to covering John Walsh if he bowed out of his Senate race due to his plagiarism scandal. Bozell insisted otherwise…