
'Blackish:' Reagan Never Saw a Black Man He 'Didn’t Want to Break'

March 20th, 2018 10:40 PM
In the March 20 episode of ABC’s Blackish, titled “Things Were Different Then,” things weren't so different as cheap shots were thrown out at Republicans, which this is not unusual for this show. This episode even reached back to Ronald Reagan’s days as governor of California to call him a racist who would like to break black men "in half.”

#Resist: New Shonda Rhimes Legal Drama Puts Racial Profiling on Trial

March 14th, 2018 12:43 AM
ABC’s For The People is the latest series by outspokenly liberal producer Shonda Rhimes, the same woman behind ABC Thursday night powerhouses Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder. Because apparently we didn't have enough diverse, attractive people spewing liberal speech in our faces in settings like hospitals, D.C. and law schools, we now have this show to insert Rhimes’s moral…

'Grey's Anatomy' Informs Viewers It's Dumb to Put a Gun in Your Vagina

November 2nd, 2017 11:55 PM
What did I just watch? I mean, I know I just watched the November 2 episode of Grey's Anatomy, "Come on Down to My Boat, Baby" but, in the larger sense, what did I just watch? It is truly amazing to me that this show is still on the air and, after this episode, I'm convinced that the only ratings it has are the people who watch it out of pure schadenfreude, those who watch it just to see what…

TV Goes to War With Trump: 16 Shows Blast President This Fall

September 28th, 2017 3:54 PM

This is war. Hollywood is arming themselves with the written word and preparing to do battle in politics. With the fall television season, Hollywood writers and actors bring a barrage of material aimed at portraying President Trump and his policies in the worst light possible. As of September, there are 16 scripted television shows either already airing or scheduled to air that focus on…

An Early Farewell to ‘Scandal’

August 12th, 2017 3:02 PM
Earlier this year, this space spotlighted the embarrassing predicament that ABC and its cable operations (including Disney Channel and ESPN) have gotten The Walt Disney Company in: “Most television executives would have stopped the corruption going on at both networks a long time ago, but [Ben] Sherwood might be looking for a way to profit from the liberal bleed infecting both broadcasters.”

ABC's Despicable Decision to Cancel ‘Last Man Standing’

May 13th, 2017 10:06 AM
On Thursday, ABC cancelled the Tim Allen sitcom Last Man Standing, which had been running on the network for six seasons. During the 2012 election, ABC censored a joke on the show calling then-president Barack Obama a communist. And now ABC has cancelled Last Man Standing allegedly because of a dispute by the show’s distributor 20th Century Fox.  

‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ ‘Scandal’ Producer Doubles Down on Progressivism

April 17th, 2017 2:33 PM
As most readers may know by now, one of the biggest Trump-haters in Hollywood is television producer Shonda Rhimes, a fanatical progressive who has created the highly successful prime time soap operas Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal for ABC. Rhimes is now admitting she is in a “trauma” as a result of her candidate in Hillary Clinton, losing the 2016 presidential election.   

ABC's 'The Catch' Falls Victim to Shonda Rhimes's Abortion Agenda

April 14th, 2017 2:45 AM
It’s no secret that writer and show creator Shonda Rhimes, who is responsible for hits such as Scandal, Grey’s Anatomy, How to Get Away with Murder (by becoming an abortionist?) and The Catch, is a strong pro-abortion advocate. Not only does she make zero effort to hide her view on the controversial topic or try to appear bias-free, she now has gone so far as to join the board of abortion-giant…

ABC's 'The Catch' Redfines Crime Fighting 'Fun' with Sexual Depravity

April 7th, 2017 10:57 AM
Thursday night’s episode of The Catch was partially preempted by breaking news, but unfortunately, not long enough to cut off more than one brazen display of sexual depravity.

Scandal! Showrunner Shonda Rhimes Joins Planned Parenthood Board

April 6th, 2017 3:11 PM
Showrunner Shonda Rhimes has promised to help America’s largest abortion provider “in any way.” According to Planned Parenthood, that means more “creative energy" and “storytelling” – a specialty of Rhimes’ when it comes to abortion. On Thursday, Elle magazine broke the news with the headline, “Shonda Rhimes Has Never Been Afraid to Tell Abortion Stories. Now She's Joining the Board of Planned…

ABC's 'Scandal' Pushes For 'Normalization' of Gay Agenda

February 10th, 2017 12:42 AM
On Thursday's episode of ABC's Scandal, “Fates Worse Than Death,” we learn the background of Cyrus Beene’s (Jeff Perry) involvement in the assassination of President-elect Frankie Vargas (Ricardo Chavira). What starts as the show's typical dubious behavior dissolves into every questionable act in the book, but nothing quite as in-your-face as the ongoing gay agenda push.

Viewers Wish for Trump's Assassination After 'Scandal' Winter Premiere

January 27th, 2017 12:49 AM
After a long delay, ABC's Scandal returned for its sixth season premiere on Thursday night, fast-forwarding to election night after ending season five in the middle of a presidential campaign between "Republican" First Lady Mellie Grant (Bellamy Young) and Democrat Francisco "Frankie" Vargas (Ricardo Chavira).

'Scandal' Character: I'm a Republican, I Don't Believe in Education

May 12th, 2016 11:55 PM
Scandal creator Shonda Rhimes took a really lame swipe at Republicans tonight. I realize I could say that every week, but tonight's episode "That's My Girl" was especially pathetic. She had former RNC head and campaign manager Elizabeth North ramble to Attorney General David Rosen that because she's a Republican, she doesn't believe in college and that education is worthless. 

ABC Show Trashes Angry 'White Men' and 'Filthy Country People'

May 6th, 2016 1:54 AM
If you ever want to know what liberal Hollywood really thinks, just watch a Shonda Rhimes show. In about every other episode she has characters going off on thinly veiled self-righteous liberal monologues. Tonight, ABC’s Scandal had two separate characters rant about "white men" and "country people."