Sean Penn

Worst Quotes of 2011: Yesterday’s Media ‘Thrills’ Replaced by Bi
December 30th, 2011 9:32 AM
Back in 2008 and 2009, the Media Research Center’s year-end awards for the Best Notable Quotables were dominated by journalists fawning over the greatness of Barack Obama. In 2008, our winner for “Quote of the Year” was Chris Matthews for his on-air exclamation that upon hearing Obama give a speech, “I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don’t have that too often.”
Maria Conchita Alonso Runs Into Sean Penn, Calls Him 'Communist A--hol
December 19th, 2011 6:51 PM
Last March, Venezuelan raised actress Maria Conchita Alonso wrote a NewsBusters published open letter to Sean Penn in which she scolded the Oscar winner for his ill-informed support of Hugo Chavez.
On Sunday, Alonso had a run-in with Penn at the Los Angeles airport, and as she told Steve Malzberg filling in for Chris Plante on WMAL radio Monday, she ended up calling her foe a "communist a--…

Sean Penn Calls Tea Party the ‘Get the N-Word Out of the White House
October 15th, 2011 1:39 AM
Left-wing actor Sean Penn slimed the Tea Party as motivated by racism, charging on CNN’s Piers Morgan Tonight on Friday evening that an impediment to President Obama’s success is “what I call the ‘Get the N-word out of the White House party,’ the Tea Party.”
At a time when Herman Cain tops polls of Republican primary voters, Penn proceeded to allege, without citing any evidence, that “there…

Sean Penn Still Defending the Indefensible
June 9th, 2011 11:16 AM
For some reason, some liberals in Hollywood like to give dictators the benefit of the doubt. Their five-decade support for Fidel Castro’s iron rule over 11 million voiceless Cubans is inexplicable. Their “Blame America First” philosophy has brought them into relationships with some of the worlds most nefarious people – like Yasser Arafat and Saddam Hussein.
This shouldn’t surprise us,…

Sean Penn Defends Hugo Chavez, Asks U.S. to Lift Venezuela's Economic
June 6th, 2011 10:51 AM
Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn is a well-known proponent of despots the world over.
On Sunday, he wrote another piece for the Huffington Post extolling the wonder that is Hugo Chavez while asking America to withdraw its recently imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela:

Distorted Valerie Plame Flick Bombed at the Box Office
March 29th, 2011 9:43 AM
You might think that given the abysmal box office record of left-wing movies about the Iraq war that "Fair Game," a highly distorted version of the tired controversy surrounding former CIA non-agent Valerie Plame Wilson, would never have been made.
Of course, since Hollywood is dominated by leftists, economic sanity did not prevail. Economic reality did prevail, though, as "Fair Game" ended…

KISS’s Gene Simmons: ‘I’m Very Conservative,’ Regrets Voting f
December 8th, 2010 5:13 AM
Appearing as a guest on CNN’s Parker-Spitzer, rocker Gene Simmons of the rock band KISS and the TV show Family Jewels related to viewers that he is "very conservative" on fiscal and foreign policy issues, voiced his support for President Bush and the war on terrorism - including "nation building" in Iraq - and declared that he wishes he could take back his vote for President Obama from the…

WaPo Rips Plame Film: 'Full of Distortions' and 'Outright Inventions
December 4th, 2010 7:19 PM
The editorial board of the Washington Post on Saturday ripped to shreds the factual authenticity of the new film about the Valerie Plame affair.
According to the Post, "'Fair Game,' based on books by [Joe] Wilson and his wife, is full of distortions - not to mention outright inventions" (h/t NBer Beresford):

New Sean Penn Film 'Fair Game' Pushes Blatant Falsehoods About Valerie
November 10th, 2010 2:44 PM
The director of the new film "Fair Game" - released Friday - is either blatantly dishonest, or astoundingly lazy. The movie, starring Sean Penn as former U.S. diplomat Joe Wilson and Naomi Watts as his embattled wife, CIA agent Valerie Plame, makes a number of claims on controversial issues that are demonstrably false.
The Daily Caller's Jamie Weinstein did the legwork in demonstrating just…
CNBC Anchor: Hugo Chávez is 'Funny,' 'Charming,' 'A Seductor,' but 'D
October 7th, 2010 4:21 PM
What is it with Hollywood personalities going to Venezuela and being swept off their feet by the thuggish dictator Hugo Chávez. They come back with these stories claiming he is just misconstrued by the media and that he’s really a great guy. On Oct. 7, at an appearance at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. promoting her book “You Know I'm Right: More Prosperity, Less Government,” the…
Sean Penn Blames Media for Failures in Haiti Recovery
July 12th, 2010 11:55 AM
Appearing on Monday's CBS Early Show, actor Sean Penn described ongoing relief efforts in Haiti following January's earthquake and condemned the media for its lack of coverage of the disaster beyond the initial weeks: "I think that the media has played an enormous part in the failures that are still going on today and the recovery here and the relief operations."Those comments from Penn were…
‘Fair Game’: L.A. Times Ignores Facts to Pimp Film, Trash Bush
May 21st, 2010 11:40 AM
Editor's Note: This post originally appeared at Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood.The political thriller Fair Game premiered at Cannes today. (Pause for giant, collective yawn from Big Hollywood readers…) The Sean Penn-Naomi Watts “starrer” (hey, it’s fun using unnecessarily awkward Variety-speak!) revisits the Valerie Plame Wilson scandal, an episode I’m not even going to bother recapping,…
Olbermann: My Ancestors Came to U.S. 'Trying to Get Away from People L
April 1st, 2010 1:24 PM
On Wednesday's Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann used his regular "Quick Comment" segment to lecture Florida Republican Senate candidate Marco Rubio for recently remarking that people like Olbermann "hate America" and should be traded to other countries in exchange for immigrants who love America. As the MSNBC host referred to his own great grandparents who immigrated to America "for its…
An Open Letter to Sean Penn
March 25th, 2010 12:23 PM
Editor's Note: The following is an open letter from actress Maria Conchita Alonso, who penned this response to actor Sean Penn's recent remarks on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher" in which the left-wing actor defended Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Dear Sean, WHY? Even though I have great respect for your artistic talent, I was appalled by a recent television interview where you vigorously…