‘Shame!’ Media Tweets: ‘Evil Liar’ Spicer ‘Normalized’ ‘Rewarded’

September 18th, 2017 12:29 PM
Liberals in the media and Hollywood were outraged after former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made a guest appearance on stage to poke fun at himself at the Emmy Awards in Los Angeles, September 17. Offended journalists from several major media outlets took to Twitter to complain that Spicer’s appearance wasn’t funny in the slightest, but it “normalized” him as a “liar.”

Rob Reiner: Trump's an 'Accessory' to Murder by 'Stoking This Stuff'

August 13th, 2017 8:27 AM
MRC's Brent Baker caught a nasty attack from Hollywood director Rob Reiner on MSNBC's airwaves Saturday after the news broke that a woman counter-protesting white supremacists was hit and killed by a car backing up at extreme speed. Reiner called Trump an "accessory" to the death for "stoking this stuff" of white resentment. Reiner recently tweeted about the need for "all-out war" on the…

Reiners Lament: GOP 'Racism' Blocked 'Smartest President' Obama

April 1st, 2017 3:25 PM
As father and son comedy writers and liberal activists Carl Reiner and Rob Reiner appeared as guests on Friday's Tavis Smiley Show on PBS, the two lamented that former President Barack Obama -- whom Carl called "the smartest President we've had since way back" -- was replaced by President Donald Trump -- whom Rob derided as "clearly mentally unstable." A bit later, Rob Reiner blamed "racism" that…

On MSNBC, Reiner Suggests Trump Might Fake Terrorism to Attack Iran

March 5th, 2017 4:40 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, it was the place for conspiracy theories. Appearing as a guest to discuss President Donald Trump, far-left film director Rob Reiner fretted that Trump has "already invaded our country" because of hacking from Russia, and ended up seeming to seriously suggest that the President might either fake or stage a bombing of the U.S.S. Cole to justify a war with Iran.

On MSNBC, Left-Wing Celebrity Kooks Plot Trump Impeachment

March 1st, 2017 1:51 PM
The far-left celebrity circus came out in full force on a special post-speech edition of Hardball, Tuesday. As if Bill Maher mocking a war widow as a “prop” wasn’t enough, liberal comic Kathy Griffin and director Rob Reiner both hyped impeachment conspiracy theories. Griffin speculated, “I feel like this whole crowd, they are truly going to go down.” 

Donald Trump Is Driving the Media Nuts

February 20th, 2017 9:15 AM
Donald Trump’s term in office is only four-weeks old but he’s got the liberal media and Hollywood losing their collective minds. It’s hard to keep track of all the nasty accusations they’ve made. The following is a collection of the 26 worst outbursts by liberal journalists and celebrities made against Trump’s presidency from his first four weeks in office.  

Reiner Slams Trump's 'Cancerous Presidency,' Predicts Impeachment

February 12th, 2017 5:49 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, left-wing activist and film maker Rob Reiner condemned President Donald Trump as a "pathological liar" who is "mentally unstable," and declared that "we're looking at a cancerous presidency that we cannot allow to spread," during a discussion of reports that National Security Advisor Michael Flynn had discussed the issue of sanctions on Russia…

NB Year-in-Review: The Most Obnoxious Celebrity Quotes of 2016

December 30th, 2016 9:55 AM
NewsBusters is recounting the most obnoxious liberal bias of 2016. Today, we finish the series with some of the most outlandish celebrity quotes of 2016, mostly of the Hollywood elite shaking their pom-poms for Hillary, hyperventilating over the idea that Trump might actually be elected, and crying “racism” or “sexism” when things don’t go their way.

Reiner: Trump Is ‘Jewish Police at the Warsaw Ghetto’ on Anti-Semitism

November 17th, 2016 9:14 PM
Ultra-liberal Hollywood actor, director, and writer Rob Reiner was at it again on MSNBC’s Hardball Thursday night blasting President-elect Donald Trump as anti-Semitic and when challenged by host Chris Matthews, he went further into the gutter by comparing Trump to “the Jewish police at the Warsaw Ghetto” that said “okay, you know, march through Germany” to the Nazis.

Rob Reiner: 'Strain of Racism...Runs through [Trump's] Followers'

September 13th, 2016 9:17 AM
Like Hillary Clinton, Rob Reiner would toss an awful lot of Americans into a “basket of deplorables." Or in Meathead’s case a bunker of Archies. In an interview published on September 8, when asked by The Hollywood Reporter if Archie Bunker, a racist/sexist/xenophobic character from the 1970s sitcom “All in the Family,” would be a Donald Trump supporter. As if you couldn’t guess, Reiner responded…

Five Weird Moments Overlooked on Late-Night MSNBC’s Weds. DNC Coverage

July 30th, 2016 5:30 PM
Amidst all the overwhelming media coverage gushing over President Barack Obama’s Wednesday night speech at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), there were a few points during MSNBC’s coverage in the early hours of Thursday that couldn’t go by without being chronicled for NewsBusters readers. 

MSNBC's Scarborough Spars With Rob Reiner Over Trump's 'Racist' Base

May 5th, 2016 1:18 PM
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough faced off with Rob Reiner on Thursday's Morning Joe, after the liberal Hollywood producer/writer explained Donald Trump's base of support by underlining that "there are a lot of people who are racist in this country." Scarborough shot back, "Could this not be about working-class Americans being left behind by [the] Republican Party?" Reiner acknowledged that "they're not…

MRC’s DisHonors Awards: Rob Reiner Wins 'Celebrity Dumb Ass Award'

September 28th, 2014 9:44 PM
Actor-director Rob Reiner won “The Celebrity Dumb Ass Award” at the Media Research Center’s 2014 Gala. Last November 1, he told Bill Maher on his HBO show that “Obama right now, where Obama is, is right around where Reagan was, right around where Nixon was. He’s no more left than those Republicans.”

Year-End Awards: The Barbra Streisand Award for Celebrity Vapidity

December 30th, 2013 9:16 AM
Since the left-wing nonsense coming out of Hollywood can be just as obnoxious as anything you’d find on MSNBC, the MRC’s “Best Notable Quotables of 2013” once again includes our annual Barbra Streisand Political IQ Award for Celebrity Vapidity. Past winners of this prestigious prize include: actress Jessica Lange in 2002 (“I despise him [George W. Bush]. I despise his administration and…