Phil Gramm

Media Fail to Acknowledge Lagging Economy, Substance in Trump Speech
August 13th, 2016 9:34 AM
It’s no secret that I’m very leery of Donald Trump. Simply stated, I don’t sense any genuine commitment to smaller government and free markets. But skepticism isn’t the same as bias and there is plenty of it in the media. As Julia Seymour at Newsbusters recently pointed out: 2 of 3 Networks Cover ‘Good’ Jobs News; All 3 Silent about Collapsing GDP.
Maddow Blames Financial Crisis on Republican Deregulation; Ignores Ove
March 22nd, 2009 5:22 PM
On Friday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow accurately blamed a bill enacted in 1999 for today's financial crisis, but in so doing exclusively pointed accusatory fingers at its Republican sponsors while totally ignoring the overwhelming Democrat support it received in both Chambers of Congress. Maybe even more egregious, she chose not to address it being signed into law by President Bill Clinton until a…
MSNBC Taps Nation of Whiners for Summer Sob Stories
July 24th, 2008 1:47 PM
Earlier this month, former senator and John McCain economic advisor Phil Gramm was widely excoriated for his remarks about America being a "nation of whiners," discouraged by negative media reports fueling fears of recession.As my colleague Nathan Burchfiel noted, the context of Gramm's remarks were the media's role in accentuating the negative in economic news and hence ginning up the public's…
Vieira Uses Gramm to Disqualify McCain's Ability to 'Lead Us Out of Re
July 21st, 2008 1:26 PM
Even though the United States is still technically not in a recession, NBC's Meredith Vieira doubted John McCain's ability "to lead us out of a recession," on Monday's "Today" show. Vieira pointed to McCain's former economic adviser Phil Gramm's "mental recession" comment as a reason to "question" McCain's "judgment," when the Republican presidential candidate appeared on the July 21 "Today" show…
Essay: The Washington Post - A Tale of Two Comments
July 14th, 2008 2:52 PM
The media real estate rule: location, location, locationLiberal ScandalsStrategically Located The Washington Post had two awful statements from Presidential campaign surrogates to work with last week. How it dealt with each of them is highly illustrative of how the media does its business. Last Sunday evening the world was again made privy to the inner workings of the Reverend Jesse Jackson's…
Washington Post Op-ed: 'Phil Gramm Is Right
July 12th, 2008 1:32 PM
Does the Washington Post agree with former Sen. Phil Gramm's recent assessment that "We have sort of become a nation of whiners" when it comes to the economy?After all, the Post published an op-ed Saturday by economic historian Amity Shlaes entitled "Phil Gramm is Right." Although readers are strongly encouraged to review the entire marvelous piece, the following are some of the highlights (…
ChiTrib’s Warren: Gramm's Comment Like Henry Ford's Quip in Great D
July 11th, 2008 4:23 PM
Appearing as a guest during the 10 a.m. hour of the July 11 “MSNBC News Live,” Chicago Tribune managing editor James Warren compared McCain adviser Phil Gramm’s recent comments on the economy’s health to those of Henry Ford during the Great Depression: But I think in the annals of a not particularly sensitive remarks this will rank up there with a bunch of things. Somebody, a historian…
CBS: McCain ‘Backed Into A Corner’ on Gramm Comments
July 11th, 2008 1:03 PM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Harry Smith introduced a segment on comments by John McCain economic adviser Phil Gramm: "Let's talk about the economy now. Number one on voters' minds. Senator John McCain has been backed into a corner by a key economic adviser and forced to disavow some controversial statements." A report by correspondent Bill Plante followed in which he declared: "After…
Christmas-is-Cancelled Media Skip Own Role in Making 'Nation of Whiner
July 11th, 2008 12:33 PM
Various media outlets have jumped on the comments of Phil Gramm, an advisor to John McCain's presidential campaign, that when it comes to the economy, "we've sort of become a nation of whiners." However, these same organizations, such as ABC News, have done their part to promote such things as fretting over no more Christmas presents. For instance, on the November 12, 2007 "Good Morning America…
ABC Admits Gramm Accurate on Economy, But Portrays It as Gaffe
July 10th, 2008 10:14 PM
Proving the old saw that a “gaffe” is when a politician stumbles into the truth, ABC's World News, which has showcased Americans whining about the inability to afford “joy rides” or breakfast, on Thursday night led with former Senator Phil Gramm's observation that “this is a mental recession”and “we've sort of become a nation of whiners.” In relaying the comments from the economic adviser to the…
Olbermann Blames McCain for Bipartisan Clinton-signed 'Enron Loophole
June 20th, 2008 10:39 AM
Almost two years ago, NewsBusters wondered when media would begin reporting Enron's ties to higher oil and gas prices. Recently, we've gotten our answer: when it could be blamed on the Republican presidential nominee. Such was certainly the case Wednesday evening when Obama advocate Keith Olbermann did a segment on "Countdown" pointing fingers at John McCain for having not done more to repeal the…