Nancy Keenan

CNN Challenges Pro-Life Guest and Pro-Choice Guest From the Left
January 22nd, 2013 5:34 PM
Reporting on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on Tuesday, CNN's Carol Costello pelted a pro-life guest with liberal talking points while chiding the president of pro-choice NARAL for not doing enough for the pro-choice movement.
For example, Costello began her interview with pro-life ethicist Pia de Solenni by citing poll numbers favorable to abortion rights activists. In contrast, she…

Andrea Mitchell Hammers Pro-Lifer, Gives Roe v. Wade Attorney Softball
January 22nd, 2013 5:04 PM
As MSNBC marked the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Andrea Mitchell continued the MSNBC tradition of praising the abortion rights movement and harassing the pro-life movement. On her January 22 program, Mitchell treated Sarah Weddington, the attorney in Roe v. Wade to a cream puff of an interview, while Marjorie Dannenfelser, the head of the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, was grilled.…

NBC Politics Website Omits NARAL Speaker From Tuesday Speech Roundup
September 5th, 2012 6:18 PM
Last week I noted how the website considered speeches by Gov. Susana Martinez (R-N.M.), Obama co-chair-turned-Republican Artur Davis, and Staples founder Tom Stemberg to not be "notable" enough for inclusion in their "curated" follow-up posts the day after their respective speeches. Well, today, NBC Politics has a post with "highlights from Tuesday night's Democratic National…

WashPost Insists 'Democrats Aim to Be Inclusive'; Paper's All But Igno
August 23rd, 2012 4:43 PM
"Democrats aim to be inclusive," blurts the headline in Amy Gardner's 5-paragraph item on how the Democratic convention "will feature a long list of female speakers and a slew of activities designed to make it the most inclusive convention in history, organizers announced Wednesday."
Gardner went on to note that Sandra Fluke and "women from many other walks of life" will take to the podium,…

MSNBC's Roberts Uses Akin Row As Springboard to Bash GOP Over Pro-Life
August 21st, 2012 1:48 PM
Every four years, without fail, the liberal media wring their hands over the influence of pro-lifers on the GOP platform, suggesting that the party is too "extreme" in its position on abortion and hence out of step with middle-of-the-road voters. Of course, the same concern is not expressed regarding the Democrats' position on the same issue being too out-of-step with most Americans.

WashPost's Henneberger Notes Pro-Life Democrats' Quixotic Struggle Aga
August 8th, 2012 12:28 PM
You will probably be able to count on one hand the number of times the liberal media will wring their hands this campaign season about the national Democratic Party being beholden to the abortion lobby. To her credit, Melinda Henneberger of the Washington Post will be one of those reporters.
In her page August 8 "She the People" feature on page A2, "Democrats' Big Tent is a cold place for…

Liberals, Media Try to Shift Debate from Abortion to Contraception
February 16th, 2012 10:53 AM
I wrote last week about a theory put forth by Washington Post's Sarah Kliff that abortion proponents were shifting strategies to focus on contraceptives rather than abortion, the reason being their own polls show abortion is no longer a winning issue with young people and women, but contraception is.
This week Republican strategist Dick Morris pitched the same theory on Hannity, adding some…
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Pro-abortion Activist Scorned
April 30th, 2010 3:00 PM
"After a recent NEWSWEEK article angered many young abortion-rights activists, we gathered a roundtable to discuss the future of the movement," the magazine noted on its Web site today.The recent article in question was Sarah Kliff's April 16 Web-published article "Remember Roe!", in which the writer lamented the "lack of passion" among millennial generation pro-choicers. Apparently Kliff's…
NY Times Highlights Aging Feminists' Anxiety Over Abortion
November 30th, 2009 6:23 PM
Sheryl Gay Stolberg devoted most of her article in Sunday’s New York Times detailing the concerns of radical feminists over the future of legalized abortion, specifically its support among the younger generations. Stolberg tried to downplay the larger opposition to abortion in the 18-30 year old demographic, and only one of the pro-abortion activists that she quoted in her article belonged to…