Maya Angelou

Ugh: Charlie Rose Starts Interview With ‘Friend’ Hillary Clinton W
July 18th, 2014 1:00 PM
On Thursday night’s episode of his PBS show, Charlie Rose began by showering guest and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with praises from the likes of Henry Kissinger, the late Maya Angelous and, naturally, Charlie Rose himself! From reading a glowing quote from Henry Kissinger to reading a Maya Angelou poem all about her to Rose announcing “I consider Hillary Clinton a friend,” it was…
Glamour Flies Liberal Flag with ‘Women of the Year’ List
November 11th, 2009 9:58 AM
Women's magazines notoriously promote their ideal woman: thin, stylish, beautiful, sexually adventurous. And after seeing who Glamour named as its annual "Women of the Year," readers can now add "liberal" to the list of ideal qualities. The women featured in Glamour's 2009 list represent a cross-section of accomplished women from different industries - business, politics, sports,…
D.C. Morning Show Host Mocks Nonsensical Inaugural Poetry
January 21st, 2009 1:49 PM
Yesterday was a historic day, for on January 20, 2009, listening to inaugural poet laureate Elizabeth Alexander's attempt at poetry, I actually missed Maya Angelou's attempt at the same 16 years earlier.
Yes, it was that bad, and if you watched the inauguration, you know it, as does every liberal journalist who heard it as well.
So while liberal comedians like Chris Rock lament that they…
Angelou: Now I Don't Have To Apologize For America To My Euro Friends
November 7th, 2008 1:51 PM
You might not be thrilled by the election of Barack Obama, but look on the bright side: it's made life a lot easier for Maya Angelou when she hangs out with her European friends. Asked by Andrea Mitchell during MSNBC's 1 PM hour what was going through her mind as the results rolled in, the poet mentioned, among other things:I realized, almost within the minute, I don't have to apologize for my…
CBS’s Smith on Obama Win: ‘I Wept Tears of Joy
November 6th, 2008 3:58 PM
At the end of Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, an emotional Harry Smith declared: "I don't know how else to say this -- I grew up in a household that was not racially neutral. I grew up in a household where racial epithets were used commonly and with vigor. To see the difference in this country, in a country that I grew up in, so many people have said this is not something they thought they would ever…
CBS: Barack Obama = Martin Luther King
August 28th, 2008 1:51 PM
In the wake of Barack Obama officially becoming the first African-American presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, on Thursday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith declared: "This day, August 28, is steeped in history. Barack Obama delivers his historic acceptance speech and 45 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his 'I Have A Dream" speech. August 28, 1963, hundreds of…