
RECKLESS: MSNBC Predicts GOP Will Spark Mass Violence

July 1st, 2021 9:06 PM

On Wednesday night, MSNBC officially left the realm of left-wing bias and into dangerous conspiratorial talk. Disgraced anchor Brian Williams kicked off his late-night broadcast by discussing the New York Times’ compilation of footage from the January 6th riots at the Capitol.


WHINY Joy Reid: Manchin and Sinema 'Are Not on the Side We Are on'

June 4th, 2021 11:31 PM

The left is constantly pointing their fingers at anyone who opposes their radical agenda. On Thursday night’s The ReidOut, host Joy Reid continued her crusade against Democratic Senators, Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) for siding with the liberal media’s enemy: Republicans. Specifically, she treated their opposition to ending the filibuster as being against America. She…


Anti-Trump Republican Hyped by CNN Loses Badly in Congressional Race

May 4th, 2021 9:41 AM

Good news for obscure Republican candidates! You can get intense glowing coverage from the mainstream media such as CNN but only if you project yourself as anti-Trump. And when you lose badly, CNN will bring you on and commiserate.


MSNBC Hater Dowd: CANCEL All ‘Insane’ Republicans From TV

April 30th, 2021 10:10 AM

Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's Deadline: White House, former ABC News political analyst (and lately frequent MSNBC guest) Matthew Dowd urged the media to have a blatant liberal bias by not even allowing Republicans as guests, deriding prominent Republicans as "insane" and "irresponsible."

'Uncle Tim': Leftist Mob Slanders Tim Scott on Twitter

April 29th, 2021 5:25 PM

Woke progressives, outraged at Senator Tim Scott's refusal to denounce America as a systemically racist country, tweeted racist insults at him. The South Carolina Senator delivered a beautiful rebuttal speech after President Biden’s “boring but radical” address to Congress. He addressed the race-baiting that politicians, corporations, and the mainstream media have weaponized to maintain power…


CNN Defends Maxine Waters Encouraging Violence Over Chauvin Case

April 19th, 2021 10:57 AM

The same network that has accused the GOP of “genocide” and ending the country” for violent protesters on January 6, spent this morning defending a Democrat for openly encouraging violence from left-wing protesters (while intimidating a jury!)


Matthew Dowd Trashes GOP on Guns by Citing Martin Luther King In Jail

April 18th, 2021 7:08 AM

Matthew Dowd, formerly of ABC News, joined CNN Tonight host Don Lemon on Friday evening to declare that the GOP's unwillingness to pass gun control makes them somehow comparable to the segregationists who threw Martin Luther King in jail.


New MSNBC GOPer Sounds Like Other Network Lib, Hits GOP 'Tyranny'

March 28th, 2021 5:00 PM

Appearing as a guest on MSNBC Live on Saturday morning, former ABC News political analyst Matthew Dowd was sounding like a typical MSNBC Republican as the former GOP political strategist complained about Republicans standing in the way of Democrats enacting liberal policies on issues like gun control and voting regulations.

Stephanie Ruhle

OF COURSE: MSNBC Politicizes Freezing Texans

February 19th, 2021 2:35 PM

On Thursday morning, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle dedicated an entire segment of her 9:00 a.m. ET hour show to blaming Republicans for the suffering of millions of Texans who have been afflicted by recent freezing temperatures and snow storms.


ABC: U.S. Like Post-War Germany, Antifa and BLM Violence Is Moral

January 24th, 2021 1:56 PM

Aside from ABC chief anchor George Stephanopoulos’s fiery exchange with Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), Sunday’s This Week was awash with ridiculous and repugnant pronouncements from their mostly liberal cast. Between suggesting America was getting over something akin to Nazism and proclaiming the extremist violence from the left was morally justified, ABC was out to normalize dangerous…


ABC Hacks: GOP Is Party of 'Autocracy,' Hunter Did Nothing Wrong

December 13th, 2020 1:20 PM

ABC’s This Week was on a roll Sunday during their so-called “Powerhouse Roundtable” as they showed off just how much of a propaganda outlet for the Democratic Party they are. Between news analyst Matthew Dowd suggesting the Republican Party was “team autocracy” and fill-in host Martha Raddatz claiming there was no evidence of wrongdoing from Hunter Biden, the panel discussion was…


Blackmail? ABC: Biden Losing Could ‘Call into Question’ Our Democracy

November 4th, 2020 5:36 AM

Early Wednesday morning on ABC, three liberal journalists eagerly entertained the idea that, if voters don’t do as Democrats and young people want in electing Joe Biden through both the Electoral College and popular voter, the legitimacy of our Constitution and electoral process could be called into question.


ABC Hawks ‘Feistier’ Biden Going ‘On Offense,’ ‘Not Sitting on a Lead’

October 23rd, 2020 3:13 AM

Unsurprisingly, ABC journalists followed the markers on Thursday they laid down following the first 2020 presidential debate and vice presidential debate, going all out to boost the Joe Biden ticket. For this debate, ABC personalities gushed over the “feistier” Biden going “on offense” and putting President Trump “on the defensive repeatedly” to prove that calling so many lids “paid off.”


Are They on Mars? Bruce, Muir Insist Biden Was ‘Steady,’ Kept ‘Cool’

September 30th, 2020 3:25 AM

After Tuesday’s presidential debate, ABC senior congressional correspondent Mary Bruce and World News Tonight anchor David Muir were opining from another planet, insisting Joe Biden kept “his cool,” was “the adult in the room,” and remained “fairly steady in temperament and tone” despite calling Trump “a clown,” “the worst President...ever” and told him to “shut up.”