Matt Damon

Rank Hypocrisy of Weinstein Pal Damon Playing ‘Frat Boy’ Kavanaugh
October 1st, 2018 4:31 PM
CNN and the broadcast networks on Sunday and Monday hyped Matt Damon’s mocking of Brett Kavanaugh on Saturday Night Live. But these media outlets skipped just how awkward it is for the actor who failed to notice, or stand up to, his own sexual predator ex-boss, Harvey Weinstein.

How 'Downsizing' Makes Matt Damon and Climate Change Dull
December 23rd, 2017 2:02 PM
Matt Damon is having a lousy year, and that has nothing to do with his awkward comments regarding the “MeToo” movement. Damon’s performance in Suburbicon appeared to be a career low, bringing nothing to the role of a Father Knows Best type gone south. That was a revelation compared to his work in Downsizing.

George Clooney’s Liberal Drama Rages Against ‘50s America
November 4th, 2017 12:15 PM
George Clooney's new film throbs with hatred for 1950s suburbia, no doubt. And maybe the 2017 version, to hear Clooney’s recent press musings. The racism on full display is underlined, highlighted and cast in bold type. Just try missing it. We dare you. Beyond that? Maybe it’s Clooney’s confession that he’s better off in front of the camera, not behind it.

Matt Damon: ‘There Needs to Be A Reckoning’ For Racism
October 23rd, 2017 6:00 PM
Who better to tell America how to deal with racism than a white, highly paid, Hollywood actor?

Trashing the Suburbs, George Clooney Style
September 9th, 2017 2:30 PM
Just in time for Oscar season, the Paramount Pictures film Suburbicon will be released this coming October. The film, starring far-left bomb throwers Matt Damon and Julianne Moore and directed by George Clooney, focuses on an Eisenhower-era couple’s move to the suburbs, expose their racism to those around them. In the process, the film will purport to exposes the racism that supposedly lurked in…

Why Is the Hollywood Left Doubling Down on Bashing Their Audience?
September 4th, 2017 5:55 PM
When Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, some Americans thought the Electoral College rigged the presidency for Trump, and that hatred persists to this day. Once Trump became President, Syria’s latest chemical weapons attacked transpired and though most Americans supported that decision to bomb Syria, the radical left did not. In Hollywood, the level of post-election…

Syfy's 'Incorporated' Creates Anti-Business Global Warming Fantasy
December 3rd, 2016 3:56 PM
The new original anti-business drama Incorporated premiered this week on the Syfy network. Produced by Hollywood lefties Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, it’s a liberal polemic preaching about the dangers of eeeeevil multinational corporations, capitalism, and global warming disguised as trendy, futuristic, post-apocalyptic entertainment.

Shocker! USA Today Admits Hollywood Gun Hypocrisy
August 15th, 2016 11:52 AM
Did we miss something, or did the media just admit Hollywood’s double standard on guns?
It was a pleasant surprise this morning to discover that USA Today entertainment writer Andrea Mandell thoroughly addressed the issue in a lengthy article entitled “Guns, Politics and Hollywood Collide.”

No Kidding! Doctors Recommend Reducing Exposure to ‘Virtual Violence'
July 18th, 2016 3:56 PM
It’s a pretty common occurrence. On screen, an actor wields a gun, glamorizing the act of killing in a blockbuster action flick. Off screen, he promotes firearms control, bemoaning America’s gun culture. (Sound like Matt Damon?)
Hollywood has always been hypocritical when it comes to guns. In the wake of several violent tragedies this summer, that hypocrisy has only mounted. Yet, amid…

Matt Damon Wants Massive Gun Confiscation in America
July 13th, 2016 5:31 PM
Actor Matt Damon thinks the United States should follow Australia’s example and have a mass confiscation of guns in order to rob Americans of their Second Amendment rights. It’s ironic that Damon made this claim while in Australia promoting the latest gun-toting action Jason Bourne movie (where he plays the lead role of an American spy).
Matt Damon Gushes Over Obama: He’s ‘Remarkable’ and ‘Deep’
October 8th, 2015 2:30 PM
Matt Damon is no longer mad at Barack Obama. In the October 9 issue of The Hollywood Reporter, the actor explained his affection for the President and previous unhappiness over with Obama. In 2013, Damon complained, “There are a lot of things that I really question, you know: the legality of the drone strikes, and these NSA revelations.” But now: "He's a remarkable human being."

Climate Hypocrites and the Media That Love Them
May 5th, 2015 9:45 AM
Journalists help promote Hollywood celebrities while condemning average Americans for causing climate change. The same media go out of their way to ignore or excuse the hypocrisy of celebrity “environmentalists” who fly their private jets around the world, rent mega-yachts and live in massive mansions.
Avatar Director James Cameron warned of a future “world that’s in shambles” because of climate…

Comcast's Syfy Approves Pilot for Affleck-Damon Corporate Tyranny Show
April 8th, 2015 11:54 AM
Last October, we relayed that the NBCUniversal-owned Syfy cable network made a development deal with leftist actors Matt Damon and Ben Affleck for a corporate-dystopia series called “Incorporated.” Now The Hollywood Reporter is offering an update: Syfy has greenlighted the making of a pilot episode.
Corporate leftists demonstrate a surprising capacity for hypocrisy. The Syfy press release –…
Years of Living Hypocritically: Five Alarmist Celebs and Their Double
April 22nd, 2014 10:06 AM
They may be good at making movies, but Hollywood celebrities’ lifestyles are far from an environmentalist’s dream. Their globetrotting, multiple mansion owning ways are inconsistent with the environmental agenda they loudly promote.
Showtime’s new climate change series, “Years of Living Dangerously,” premiered April 13, 2014, slightly more than a week before Earth Day 2014. It relies on…