Leo Gerard

Ed Schultz Lets Slide Obvious Lie About Scott Walker From Union Boss L
February 22nd, 2012 6:52 PM
Ed Schultz prides himself on all the time he's spent in Wisconsin over the last year, acting as bellicose cheerleader for its public-sector unions.
Alas, much of that time was wasted as shown by Schultz ignoring or not catching a blatant falsehood about Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker from Leo Gerard, president of United Steelworkers (audio after page break)

Union Chief Leo Gerard: 'Resistance Movement' Needed to Seize Bridges
November 2nd, 2011 6:35 PM
United Steelworkers international president Leo Gerard has a message to the flea party whiny-whiners still camping out instead of sleeping in their parents' basements -- playtime is over.
Just in case the Occupy movement fails -- in other words, when it fails -- Gerard is urging union members to fill that gaping void with "more militancy." (audio clips after page break)

Ed Schultz Flunks Union Donation Math
January 9th, 2011 2:16 PM
Nice to see them finally get their lines straight.
After making a questionable claim without a shred of substantiation, Ed Schultz doubled-down with the assertion that what he said was backed up by the head of a major union. That it was -- but only after prodding by Schultz.
Here's Schultz making the claim on his radio show Jan. 4 (audio) --
Schultz Union-Boss Guest Complaining About Foreign Influence On Electi
October 6th, 2010 9:40 PM
Pot calling the kettle foreign, eh?You're Ed Schultz. Sorry about that, but work with me. Your big beef on tonight's show is foreign influence on US elections. What would be the glaring, obvious, overwhelming thing you would want to avoid in your choice of a guest? Having a union boss who is himself a foreigner, you say? Bingo! Yet that's exactly the slip-up Schultz committed.