Jennifer Wright Knust

CNN Religion Blog Publishes Religion Prof's Take on Bible's 'Mixed Mes
February 10th, 2011 5:19 PM
It's apparently all the rage this week among mainstream media religion features to hype the unorthodox views of Boston University's Jennifer Wright Knust.
On Monday, Newsweek's Lisa Miller uncritically presented her readers with a summary of arguments from the professor's new book. The next day "On Faith," -- a joint Newsweek/Washington Post online religion news/comment feature -- published…

WaPo/Newsweek 'On Faith' Publishes Item Aimed at 'Debunking' Notion of
February 9th, 2011 11:17 AM
On Monday I noted how Newsweek religion writer Lisa Miller uncritically peddled the work of two religion scholars who argue that the Bible is not as restrictive on sexual mores as it's widely understood to be.
Yesterday, On Faith, a joint project of the Washington Post and Newsweek, granted one of those scholars, Boston University's Jennifer Wright Knust, what appears to be the first of a…