Jared Monti

Jake Tapper Concedes Media's Bias on Obama Medal of Honor Gaffe, Doubl
July 5th, 2011 3:44 PM
ABC White House correspondent Jake Tapper appeared on the June 27 edition of Dennis Miller's radio show and conceded to a media blackout of Barack Obama's Medal of Honor gaffe. (The President confused a living recipient with the deceased Jared Monti who died in combat.)
Tapper admitted that the President made "a big uncomfortable mistake." He added, "And I don't think that that got the same…

Big Three Networks Ignore Obama's Medal of Honor Screw-Up
June 24th, 2011 3:04 PM
Barack Obama's confusing one living American war hero with a fallen one he honored in 2009, has been completely ignored by the Big Three Networks shows, including the same NBC Nightly News that threw a fit over Sarah Palin's recent recounting of an event over 200 years ago, Paul Revere's ride.

Obama Makes Another Military Gaffe: Mistakes Fallen Soldier for Living
June 24th, 2011 11:30 AM
Liberals in and out of the media are constantly telling us that President Barack Obama is a really smart guy. He's a "genius" in the words of his chief sycophant Chris Matthews. And yet, for such a supposedly smart guy, Obama seems to be ill-informed about many things, like the fact that we have 50 states in this country or that the word corpsman isn't pronounced like a dead body.
The latest…