Hillary Hits Late Late Show to Plug Book, Slam Trump’s ‘Phony Stories'
November 6th, 2019 2:25 PM
One day, Hillary Clinton may break the glass ceiling and become the first woman to fail in three attempts at becoming president. Until then, America will have to make do with the pointers she gave to Dems trying to beat Trump in 2020 during a late night appearance with James Corden.
Late Night Hosts Cheer Impeachment: ‘Holy Crap!’ ‘Finally Happening?’
September 25th, 2019 10:11 PM
Liberals in the media the past two years seem to be a living rendition of the movie Groundhog Day. The same routine is repeated every day, always ending with an “explosive new scandal” that will supposedly lead to President Trump being ousted from the White House. Tuesday’s Impeachment Inquiry announcement from Nancy Pelosi led to mass celebrations in the media, especially on the part of the…
Lefty Late Night Hosts Lecture Americans on Need for Gun Control
August 6th, 2019 12:20 PM
It is par for the course to hear demands of gun control from the media in the aftermath coverage of a mass shooting. The leftist brigade of late night hosts’ stood in solidarity Monday night in their opposition to the Second Amendment and calls for stricter gun laws.
Video: Great Moments in Celebrity Mueller-Love
March 25th, 2019 3:42 PM
There’s no two ways about it: Robert Mueller is a heartbreaker. He led the Democrats, the media and Hollywood on for two years, loving them and leaving them with “No Collusion.” To Hollywood lefties, there’s nothing for it but sobbing into a pint of Haagen-Daaz. Hopefully, it’s Chocolate Chip Crow flavored.
Lefty Actress Brags About Getting Arrested Protesting Kavanaugh
March 13th, 2019 1:10 PM
Apparently getting arrested is the cool thing to do. Late Late Show host James Corden on Tuesday interviewed actress Piper Perabo and prompted the Coyote Ugly star to brag about protesting Brett Kavanaugh. After gushing about how “exciting” it was, Perabo proclaimed, “And I feel that this president is an unindicted co-conspirator in a felony investigation and he shouldn't be allowed to appoint…
WashPost Global Opinions Editor Oozes: 'Christopher Steele Is a Hero'
February 15th, 2018 8:12 PM
On Wednesday, a Global Opinions Editor at the Washington Post praised the work of Christopher Steele as "extraordinarily prescient," created by a man who "had stumbled onto a breathtaking threat to U.S. national security." Accordingly, Steele, per the headline at Christian Caryl's opinion piece, "is a hero – and Americans owe him their thanks" — a Four-Pinocchio claim by the Post's own standards.
#GrammysSoPolitical: Hillary Gets 'Biggest Cheer of the Night'
January 28th, 2018 11:38 PM
How political were the 60th Annual Grammy Awards Sunday night? According to host James Corden, the music audience's response to Hillary Clinton "might have been the biggest cheer of the night."
POTUS Preoccupation: At Least 36 Fall TV Shows Targeted Trump
January 18th, 2018 9:42 AM
The entertainment world has readied the battlefield for the resistance with scripted and unscripted shows.
Pelosi to CBS's Corden: Evil GOP Has 'Gone Beyond' 'Darth Vader’
November 1st, 2017 3:07 PM
Democratic congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (CA) appeared on CBS’s The Late Late Show Wednesday evening, where host James Corden took Pelosi to a British pub for his “Pub Politics” segment to drink beer and discuss politics. Corden encouraged the Democratic leader to share insider details about the Mueller-Russia investigation and what it was like working with Republicans. At one point, Corden tried to…
Late Night Comedians, WashPost Duck, Stumble on Weinstein Coverage
October 7th, 2017 4:05 PM
The Washington Free Beacon watched so the rest of us didn’t have to. Ace reporter Conor Beck got the goods, and headlined them thusly: “Late-Night Comedy Shows Ignore Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment Allegations
Hosts pounced on similar allegations against Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes.” Here at NewsBusters Scott Whitlock was on the case as well, headlining: “Not Speaking Truth to Power: ‘Brave’…
Late Night: Bannon Is ‘Literally the Antichrist,' 'Nazi'
September 8th, 2017 11:25 AM
Thursday night, late night comedians on CBS took special aim at former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, in preparation for his interview airing Sunday on the same network with anchor Charlie Rose. This will be his first televised interview since leaving the White House, and in it, the Catholic Bannon admits that he disagrees with the Catholic Church on DACA. While late night comics have…
Late Night Likens Trump to Dracula, Hitler; Invokes 'White Supremacy'
September 6th, 2017 10:24 PM
Reacting to the Trump administration's rescinding of DACA and President Donald Trump's reaction to Hurricane Harvey, several late night comedians on Tuesday smeared President Trump, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, making references to evil characters like Dracula, Adolf Hitler and Freddy Krueger. James Corden also invoked "white supremacy" in reference to…
Corden to Gore: Is Trump ‘Trying to Undo’ Everything Obama Did?
July 28th, 2017 9:45 AM
Al Gore is still making his rounds on the late night shows to promote his new climate change movie, An Inconvenient Sequel, but all the media wants to talk to him about is Donald Trump. He appeared on James Corden’s The Late Late Show early Thursday morning, where Corden tried to bait Gore into bashing Trump. This came after Corden did an anti-Trump musical number, bashing the president for the…
Brit Host: Don’t Want to Lecture, But Trump Caters to White Christians
June 6th, 2017 4:37 PM
CBS’s Late Late Show host James Corden doesn’t want to lecture you Americans. As a Brit, he knows that “I didn’t grow up in America.” Yet, he does want you to know that Donald Trump is just trying to cater to “white Christians.” Appearing on CBS This Morning, the entertainer began with humility. Given the fact that he’s from England, Corden noted, “ I think it would be foolish to feel like I…