Howard Dean

MSNBC Lets Guests Smear Bannon as 'Avowed Anti-Semite,' 'Hates Jews'
April 8th, 2017 4:16 PM
Twice in the last few days, MSNBC hosts have allowed guests to hyperbolically make unfounded claims of bigotry against White House advisor Steve Bannon, with former MSNBC contributor Michelle Bernard calling him an "avowed anti-Semite" on Wednesday's Hardball, and current MSNBC contributor Howard Dean calling him a "white supremacist" who "hates Jews" on Saturday's AM Joy. AM Joy host Joy Reid…

CNN, MSNBC Link ‘Subdued’ Spicer Briefing to Damaged Psyche from SNL
February 7th, 2017 5:15 PM
CNN and MSNBC each did their parts on Tuesday afternoon to advance the narrative that Saturday Night Live has claimed White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s scalp as their own, hyping that Tuesday’s press briefing showed how Melissa McCarthy’s impersonation has harmed him.

Not The Onion: MSNBC Brings on Gruber in Attempt to Fact-Check Trump
December 29th, 2016 12:40 PM
Here’s a story that you can’t make up, folks. In an attempt to fact-check President-elect Donald Trump on his claim of Sprint bringing jobs back to the United States, Wednesday’s The Last Word turned to none other than ObamaCare architect and deception artist Jonathan Gruber for two segments to inform MSNBC viewers where Trump went wrong and struggled with facts.

Press Yawns as Howard Dean Calls Bannon a 'Nazi'
November 21st, 2016 3:49 PM
Though there are other candidates for the post, it appears that the two leading contenders to take the disgraced Donna Brazile's place as the head of the Democratic National Committee are Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison and former 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean.
It appears that one of the requirements to be DNC head is being on the record as equating Republican and conservative…

Dean Blames the Media, Won't Apologize For Trump 'Coke User' Tweet
October 1st, 2016 8:27 PM
In a seven-minute segment on Friday, Democrat Howard Dean did not apologize for his speculation during Monday night's presidential debate about Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's use of cocaine. The specific tweet: "Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?"

Dean Pushes Trump 'Using Coke?' Harder; Cillizza Wants More of It
September 28th, 2016 5:42 PM
During Monday night's presidential debate, former DNC chairman and 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean tweeted: "Notice Trump sniffing all the time. Coke user?" Even the tabloid site TMZ described Dean's tweet as a "low blow." Unbowed, Dean doubled down at MSNBC on Tuesday, to the point where a clearly uncomfortable Kate Snow tried to maneuver him into backing away a bit. He wouldn't, which…

Networks Silent on Accusation Trump Used Cocaine Before Debate
September 28th, 2016 12:15 AM
The same liberal networks who sprinted to dismiss concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health as part of a “wacky strategy” by Donald Trump, turned a blind eye Tuesday to similar accusations made about the GOP nominee. Following the first presidential debate Monday night, Clinton surrogate Governor Howard Dean tweeted that he suspects Trump had a cocaine habit and used it before the debate. He stuck…

Even TMZ Calls It a 'Low Blow': Dean Speculates Trump Is a 'Coke User'
September 27th, 2016 12:51 PM
It's pretty hysterical how the left wants to set the rules for civil discourse over presidential candidates' health and habits.To them, it's really bad to talk, and virtually evil to speculate, about Hillary Clinton's demonstrations of frailty and other possible illnesses seen during the campaign, which are certainly not limited to her "medical situation" at the 9/11 anniversary ceremony two…

Dean Assures MSNBC Viewers: Donald Trump Is Just Like Barry Goldwater!
May 11th, 2016 9:04 PM
MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean attempted on two occasions during Wednesday’s Hardball to further the extremely flawed and borderline irresponsible claim that Donald Trump’s candidacy is similar to that of 1964 GOP presidential nominee Barry Goldwater.

MSNBC’s Howard Dean Stands By Hillary Blaming VT’s Guns on NY Crime
April 12th, 2016 10:49 PM
Appearing on Tuesday’s Hardball as both an MSNBC political analyst and Hillary Clinton supporter, former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean firmly defended Clinton’s repeated attacks on his home state for not having strict gun control laws and contributing to Vermont guns being used to commit violent crimes in New York.

Hilarious: Howard Dean Accuses MSNBC, Media of Anti-Hillary Bias
February 5th, 2016 7:04 PM
Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean ranted against the media's supposed "double standard" against Hillary Clinton on Friday's Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC. Dean asserted that "there is nothing to the e-mails" controversy, and went on the attack: "When is the media and when are her opponents gonna stop attacking her personally?...I think it's wrong; and frankly, it really burned me up...I am…

Michael Steele Dings Howard Dean: 'You're Shilling for Hillary'
December 21st, 2015 9:15 PM
Spine of Steele! Where has this feisty Michael Steele been? In this NewsBuster's view, the former RNC chairman has too often been the voice of the mushy Republican middle.
But on MSNBC's All In this evening, Steele forcefully advanced the GOP cause. For starters, Steele shocked guest host Alex Wagner when he said Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton in a debate. Steele then took on Howard…
Dean Group Fundraising Off CA Shooting—GOP 'Standing With Terrorists'
December 2nd, 2015 8:15 PM
Money-grubbing ghouls. How better could you describe Howard Dean's group, Democracy for America? They can't even wait for the blood to dry before exploiting the slaughter in San Bernardino for dollars.
This NewsBuster just received an email from DFA admitting "the tragic situation in San Bernardino is still going on." And yet, because Republicans respect the Second Amendment, DFA accuses "Paul…
Dean: GOP Has Had ‘Strong Authoritarian Bent' 'for a Very Long Time'
November 27th, 2015 4:36 PM
Joining host Chris Hayes on Wednesday’s pre-Thanksgiving edition of MSNBC’s All In, MSNBC political analyst and former Democratic Vermont Governor Howard Dean tried to trash the Republican Party as nothing but “an authoritarian party” “for a very long time” due to their policy positions on voter I.D. and abortion to name a few.