Elijah Cummings

Baltimore Journo: Trump on ‘Road of Evil’, Media Should Oppose in 2020
July 28th, 2019 1:21 PM
In another organized effort by the liberal media to amplify their narrative about President Trump allegedly being a racist, CNN’s so-called “Reliable Sources” introduced a panel loaded with media folks from Baltimore in order to denounce the President, after a Twitter battle with Rep. Elijah Cummings (D) about his district.

ABC, NBC Insist Trump’s Baltimore Comments Are ‘Racist’, Loved By Base
July 28th, 2019 10:40 AM
Over the weekend, President Trump blasted Congressman Elijah Cummings (D) for having done “nothing” for his congressional district, which included a large portion of Baltimore, Maryland. Trump described it as “a disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess” that was “dangerous” and “filthy”. Of course, the liberal media led the Democratic Party choir in calling Trump’s attack “racist” while…

NY Times Lays on Hero Schtick for Trump Foe, ‘Spiritual Man’ Cummings
May 10th, 2019 3:58 PM
Reporter Sheryl Gay Stolberg buttered up another influential Democrat, House Oversight Committee chairman, Rep. Elijah Cummings. Rep. Cummings, who is aggressively, some would say recklessly, going after the Trump administration and threatening the president with impeachment, was hailed in Thursday’s New York Times: “Evenhanded Chairman Changes His Tone as the President Tests His Patience.” The…

Scarborough Tees Up Cummings on Republicans Being Hypocrites
April 19th, 2019 12:06 PM
As the collusion narrative finally has finally lost oxygen, President Trump's opponents in the media are moving on to whether or not he obstructed justice. Of the ten alleged instances of obstruction, some serve as potentially more damaging for Trump than others. While others have pondered whether verbs such as "attempted" constitute obstruction that could justify impeachment or whether Trump …

Hey Liberals, On Media Bias, Please Remove the Plank from Your Own Eye
April 6th, 2019 12:15 PM
What kind of Twilight Zone are we living in when Democrats pretend that the mainstream media are objective journalists and Fox News is an arm of the Trump administration? People are always talking about media bias, so why am I bringing this up now? Well, because of two news alerts that popped up on my phone. First, I read that the Democratic National Committee is refusing to partner with Fox News…

Liberal Congressman Gives Media Pep Talk: ‘This Is Your Moment!'
May 19th, 2017 12:16 PM
While speaking to reporters Friday morning at the U.S. Capitol, liberal Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings (Md.) gave his fellow lefties a pep talk and marching orders, telling them that “this is your moment” and “we cannot afford to lose” this fight for America (against President Trump and his supporters).

CBS Lets Dem Claim Millions Barred from Voting, But Tougher on GOPer
February 20th, 2017 5:54 PM
Add CBS host John Dickerson to the list of journalists who have apparently not felt the need to press Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings when he claims that millions of Americans have been "denied their right to vote" because of alleged "voter suppression" perpetrated by Republicans. Reminiscent of ABC's George Stephanopoulos from last week's This Week, on yesterday's Face the Nation,…

Stephanopoulos Lets Dem Claim Millions Denied Voting, Tougher on GOPer
February 13th, 2017 12:50 PM
On Sunday's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, there was a substantial contrast between the treatment of Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings and White House advisor Stephen Miller when it came to charges of massive voting irregularities. After host George Stephanopoulos got into a heated exchange with Miller as he repeatedly pressed the Donald Trump advisor about claims of voter fraud, in…

Blitzer Cues Up Dem to Claim Trump 'Enhancing Voter Suppression'
January 28th, 2017 11:05 PM
As Maryland Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings appeared as a guest on CNN's The Situation Room, after the Democratic congressman claimed that some minorities are "being denied the right to vote," host Wolf Blitzer not only did not give any pushback to his assertions, but encouraged him to go even further by asking if he believes those who allege that President Trump is "looking for ways to enhance…

Mitchell Yawns as Dem Claims GOP Denied ‘Millions’ Right to Vote
January 26th, 2017 5:24 PM
On her 12 p.m. ET hour MSNBC show on Thursday, anchor Andrea Mitchell didn’t bat an eye as her guest, Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings, hurled the wild unsubstantiated allegation that Republicans had denied “millions” of Americans the right to vote.

Camerota: Are Critics of Dems Hanging Anti-Police Art 'PC'?
January 10th, 2017 5:07 PM
As Tuesday's New Day devoted a segment to the Congressional Black Caucus planning on hanging up a painting in a Capitol Building hallway in which a congressional art competition winner depicted police officers as pigs, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota at one point wondered if guest Ben Ferguson was being "politically correct" by arguing that the painting should not be displayed publicly.
After co-…
NBC: Hillary ‘Stood Her Ground’ Using ‘Put Downs’ but 'Above the Fray'
October 22nd, 2015 8:47 PM
Offering no surprises, Thursday’s NBC Nightly News aired glowing remarks for Hillary Clinton’s performance during the House Select Committee on Benghazi hearing with conclusions that she “stood her ground” as it “dissolved into bickering” while she “stayed above the fray” and removing Benghazi from being an issue in the 2016 campaign.

Cummings: Baltimore Schools Are Awful; Others Have to Pay to Fix Them
May 11th, 2015 2:37 PM
With Camden Yards set to hold its first fan-attended Baltimore Orioles game in over two weeks tonight, it's a good time to go back to a May 2 item by Meredith Shiner at Yahoo Politics.
Readers may remember the Duke-"educated" Shiner as the person who was flabbergasted that GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz cited "God-given rights" when he announced his candidacy on March 23, tweeting in part…
CNN’s Baldwin Blames Vets Becoming Cops for Violence [UPDATED]
April 28th, 2015 5:46 PM
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin suggested during the Tuesday afternoon edition of CNN Newsroom that U.S. military veterans who become police officers were to blame for the recent string of violence involving police officers in that they return home “from war” and are “ready to do battle.” Baldwin recalled a conversation with a Baltimore City councilman about police officers not living “in the communities”…