Cecile Richards

FALSE: MSNBC Claims FBI Offering $25K For Info On Pro-Life Terrorists
On Thursday, the FBI announced it was offering a $25,000 reward for information on violence against nine pro-life facilities and one Planned Parenthood. On her Friday MSNBC show, Andrea Mitchell took the 10 percent and made it seem like the FBI was exclusively focused on “terrorism” against pro-abortion activists.
Former Planned Parenthood Head Touts Abortion
Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood fame made it clear she is still fighting for the leftist cause of on-demand abortion in an extravagant open letter published by Teen Vogue on May 27.

CNN, Ex-Planned Parenthood Head: GOP Out of Touch With Rest of World
CNN At This Hour host Kate Bolduan welcomed former Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards onto her Friday show to condemn the trend of Republican states passing pro-life bills and to lament that this puts the United States out of touch with the rest of the world.

Andrea Mitchell Pushes Abortion Legalization, Ignores March for Life
On Friday afternoon, Andrea Mitchell was again using her eponymous MSNBC show to lobby for abortion as she gave former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards a forum to call for state legislatures to legalize abortion while also suggesting pro-abortion Republicans should vote against their own party over the issue.

MSNBC's Tyler Argues Pro-Lifers Should Support Keeping ObamaCare
Appearing as a guest on Monday's MSNBC Live with Craig Melvin, MSNBC Republican contributor Rick Tyler was again failing to actually sound like a conservative-leaning analyst as he not only agreed with former Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards that a Supreme Court confirmation battle would likely benefit Democrats, but he even argued that pro-life conservatives should…

MSNBC Books Ex-Planned Parenthood Boss to Say Govt. Has 'Failed Women'

Cecile Richards Smears Pro-Lifers: ‘Misogyny an Organizing Force’

BuzzFeed Frets ‘About Shift in Direction’ at Planned Parenthood

Celebs in Fury Over Pro-Life SOTU, 'Buy Stock in Coathangers!'

Cecile Richards on ABC: Planned Parenthood 'More Popular Than Ever'

Former Planned Parenthood Prez Richards Said GOP Would 'Shame' Ford

MSNBC Kavanaugh Coverage: 27 Guests, ZERO Conservatives