Calvin Coolidge

What Trump Should Say Thursday Night
When Donald Trump takes the stage Thursday night and accepts for the third time the Republican Party’s nomination for president, he faces an opportunity and a temptation. The temptation is to launch a full-bore attack on Democrats, President Biden, the left and the media. The opportunity is to use the sympathy he has garnered since last Saturday’s assassination attempt to pursue a loftier goal…
One More Try at Reducing the Debt
“Neither a borrower nor a lender be.”– Polonius to his son Laertes in “Hamlet” It may be too late given the number of Americans who have willingly allowed themselves to become dependent on government more than themselves, but it’s worth trying. Our $34 trillion debt is unsustainable, according to most economists. If we don’t act soon, we will be worse off than we are now. Our economy…

PolitiFact Picks Fight With DeSantis For Admiring Calvin Coolidge
To close out the Wednesday GOP Presidential Debate, the Washington Free Beacon’s Eliana Johnson asked the candidates which former president they would draw inspiration from and for his choice, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis selected Calvin Coolidge. For some reason, PolitiFact decided to fact-check this.
Shame on Us for Abandoning Character
Plymouth Notch, VT – One hundred years ago on Aug. 2, President Warren Harding died and Calvin Coolidge became America’s 30th president. The contrast between the two men is stark. While Harding was extremely popular with voters, later revelations doomed his presidency to the bottom rungs. Scandals included paying hush money to cover up extramarital affairs (sound familiar?), an out-of-wedlock…

Sad Trombone: NYT Calls Out WH for Hiding Biden from the News Media
In a nearly 1,800-word piece posted Thursday afternoon at The New York Times website (but buried on A-16 of Saturday’s print edition), longtime White House reporter Michael Shear blasted the Biden administration for having “protect[ed]” the President through his first two years in office with only 54 interviews and the fewest press conferences in his first two years since Richard…
The Calvin Coolidge Presidency at the Century Mark
WASHINGTON – How people understand history largely depends on who writes it and from what perspective. Calvin Coolidge, our 30th president, has received what might be called a raw deal from historians like Arthur Schlesinger Jr. and Henry Steele Commager, among others. They created a caricature of Coolidge that includes blaming him for the Great Depression, which began in 1929, the year after…
The Coolness of Calvin Coolidge
Washington -- I see that President Calvin Coolidge is in the news, along with his sidekick Warren Gamaliel Harding. Warren was a mediocrity's mediocrity and was long held to be the worst president of modern times. That was until Jimmy Carter became president and then Barack Obama and now Joe Biden. After Joe's term, I think we shall retire the trophy.
Is Liberty Actually Winning?
Do I live in an alternate universe? The media tell me my side is winning. Salon claims, "We all live in Kochland, the Koch brothers' libertarian utopia." Tucker Carlson says, "Our leadership class remains resolutely libertarian." What? Who? Not President Biden. Biden already spent $1.9 trillion on COVID-19 "recovery" mostly unrelated to COVID. Now, he wants trillions more for an "…
Al Capone Lives!
Math, History and Tax Reform
Exploiting the Presidency