
Meyers Fawns Over Obama's Trump Is 'Bad At Sex' DNC Speech

August 22nd, 2024 9:33 AM

NBC’s Seth Meyers reacted on Wednesday’s edition of Late Night to former President Barack Obama’s speech to the Democratic National Convention by claiming that “the best Obama is stand-up Obama” as he reveled in Obama’s jab at Donald Trump’s crowd sizes, which was a euphemism for saying Trump is “bad at sex.”


CBS: ‘Virtuoso’ Obamas Created ‘Phenomenal’, ‘Cultural Moment’ at DNC

August 21st, 2024 6:53 PM

With co-host, Democratic donor, and Obama family friend Gayle King helming CBS Mornings, Wednesday’s show was packed to the brim with adulation among King and a host of pals for the “virtuoso performance” by Barack and Michelle Obama addressing the Democratic National Convention the night prior in what they insisted will be remembered as not only an “energetic” and “phenomenal” “one-…


NBC Enamored by ‘Barn-Burning’, ‘Powerful’ Obamas ‘Electrifying’ DNC

August 21st, 2024 3:50 PM

NBC’s Today gave ABC’s Good Morning America a run for its money Wednesday in the Obamagasam department as they too fell head over heels for Barack and Michelle Obama “energiz[ing]” and “light[ing] up the convention hall....with back-to-back barn-burning speeches” “sharing the powerful, contagious power of hope, as [Michelle] described it” doubling as a “takedown” of Donald…


Obamagasms Everywhere! ABC Loses It Over ‘Electrifying’ Obamas at DNC

August 21st, 2024 12:00 PM

ABC’s Good Morning America has always been a team player for the left, so that meant on Wednesday they had to have on-air Obamagasams to get their points across about how Barack and Michelle Obama were an “electrifying” and “forceful one-two punch” with “political and personal” speeches “pummeling Donald Trump in blistering dangerous, divisive, and petty” on a night that…


Colbert Laments Pelosi's 'Unsatisfying' Answer To Anti-Israel Hecklers

August 21st, 2024 10:11 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert’s interview with former Speaker Nancy Pelosi was derailed late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning on night two of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago by anti-Israel hecklers. The Late Show host struggled as he sought to control the unruly behavior, but also tried to appease them by noting Pelosi’s answers were “unsatisfying to some people” as he…


ABC, CBS Drool Over Obama DNC Speeches, Rekindled Hopenchange

August 21st, 2024 2:24 AM

As we indicated earlier, the unofficial theme of Night 2 of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was the transfer of the mantle of Hope and Change on to Kamala Harris, with the Obamas personally conducting the transfer. Night 2’s subtheme is the manner in which the Regime Media fell over themselves in pining for that Obama Restoration.


CNN’s John King Pines for Obama Restoration, Drops Major Disinfo

August 21st, 2024 1:06 AM

The erasure of Joe Biden from the national political scene continues apace. Day 2 of the 2024 Democratic National Convention will be remembered for the Regime Media’s collective pining for their favorite president. Case in point, CNN’s John King.


Alex Wagner Calls Obama-Harris ‘The End of White Patriarchal Society’

August 20th, 2024 10:59 PM

The Democratic National Convention is in full swing and, unfortunately, so is the Regime Media. The Regime sycophants at MSNBC, consumed by their collective desire to imprint the Harris candidacy into the American psyche, have now proclaimed Harris to be “the future”. 


MSNBC’s Joy Reid Promises 'a Lot of Tears for Joe Biden'

August 19th, 2024 10:37 PM

Several themes emerge from the early coverage of the 2024 Democratic convention. The first is the reinforcement of the manufactured “joyful” mood of the party now that Joe Biden has been successfully deep-sixed. The second, most notably on display tonight, are the “tears” that this deep-sixing trigger.

FLASHBACK: Liberal Reporters Are Always Democrats’ Biggest Fans

August 18th, 2024 10:09 AM

The Democratic Convention begins tomorrow in Chicago, and there should be absolutely no suspense over how the media will treat Kamala Harris, Tim Walz and the party’s other stars. The MRC’s archives, going back to 1988, show that Democrats always get a huge tailwind of good press coming out of their party conventions.

Kamala Harris MSNBC Morning Joe 7-26-24

Robots: Morning Joe Hypes The Obamas' Staged Endorsement of Kamala

July 26th, 2024 12:06 PM

Morning Joe hypes a clip of a staged phone call in which Barack and Michelle Obama call Kamala Harris to endorse her. Jonathan Lemire dismisses as "nonsensical" reports that the Obamas lacked confidence in Harris.

What Trump Should Say Thursday Night

July 18th, 2024 4:22 PM

When Donald Trump takes the stage Thursday night and accepts for the third time the Republican Party’s nomination for president, he faces an opportunity and a temptation. The temptation is to launch a full-bore attack on Democrats, President Biden, the left and the media. The opportunity is to use the sympathy he has garnered since last Saturday’s assassination attempt to pursue a loftier goal…


'Get Out Of Here': Trump Jr Battles 'Clowns' At 'MSDNC' On Immigration

July 16th, 2024 2:37 PM

While delegates were being counted on Monday during the Republican National Convention, MSNBC sent Jacob Soboroff to the floor to interview Donald Trump Jr. about what his father’s second term would look during Katy Tur Reports. The pair battled over whether Trump was “divisive” before Trump Jr. ultimately told Soboroff to “get out of here” as he spread some fake news over immigration…

Willie Geist Ali Vitali MSNBC Morning Joe 7-12-24

MSNBC Reporter on Morning Joe: 'Sense of Despair' Hangs Over Democrats

July 12th, 2024 9:20 PM

On Morning Joe, MSNBC reporter Ali Vitali twice uses the d-word, for "despair," to describe the mood of congressional Democrats over the dilemma as to whether Biden should remain the nominee or step aside.