Andrea Saul

Soledad O'Brien Spins Statement, Botches Facts About Romney's Jobs Rec
May 29th, 2012 3:11 PM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien took Rudy Giuliani's words about Mitt Romney and spun them into a criticism of his jobs record, when in fact Giuliani had praised the candidate's resume on Sunday's State of the Union. On Tuesday's Starting Point, O'Brien said that Giuliani had "not so great" words for Romney's record, when in fact Giuliani said his jobs record as governor of Massachusetts was "decent…

Soledad O'Brien Tries to 'Correct' Romney Aide, Says Economic Trend Fa
May 7th, 2012 3:32 PM
CNN's Soledad O'Brien once again jumped to the defense of the Obama campaign, as she tried to argue on Monday that the economy is "trending" in the President's favor. She countered Romney aide Andrea Saul who hit Obama's record of net job loss while in office.
"When you say 'hasn't created net jobs,' of course you are talking about there was so much job loss that even started to happen…