On Twitter, Conservative Talk Show Host Michael Graham Zings Cowardly CNN Re: Charlie Hebdo Cover

January 14th, 2015 3:56 PM

Atlanta-area conservative talk show host Michael Graham got in a good dig at CNN via Twitter this morning.

Take a look:


In the summer of 2005, Graham was fired by Washington, D.C., talk-radio station WMAL after the Council on American-Islamic Relations protested a radio monologue of his wherein he charged, "We are at war with a terrorist organization named Islam."

Graham refused to accept WMAL's conditions for returning to air from suspension, which, reported the Washington Post's Paul Farhi, would have included "reading a station-approved statement in which Graham would have said that his anti-Muslim statements were 'too broad' and that he sometimes uses 'hyperbole' in the course of his program. WMAL also asked Graham to speak to the station's advertisers and its employees about the controversy."

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