Rep. Bachmann Calls Attention to ISIS and Real ‘War on Women’

October 1st, 2014 9:41 AM

The liberal feminist media have a special knack for defining “War on Women:” lack of free tampons,fights for abortion sitcoms and the demolition of Hobby Lobby (aka the “religious civil war” with female “slavery”). Forget the other war out there – the one that does threaten women’s lives. 

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-MN, spoke at Family Research Council’s (FRC) Values Voter Summit on Sept. 26. Following her address, Bachmann discussed the “brutal” treatment of women by the Islamic State in an interview with the Media Research Center. From being equated to “dogs” to having their “genitals mutilated,” “women don’t have a voice under Islamic law,” she stressed. 

“People need to know that women aren’t treated co-equal to a man under Islamic law,” Rep. Bachmann began. “In many ways, I’ve been told that they’re treated like dogs. And that they are treated like property for a man.” 

Noting how women can be stoned, beaten and even killed by their husbands, Rep. Bachmann continued, “It is brutal, the torture that goes on” to conclude, “It’s unacceptable in the United States, and it should be unacceptable there.” 

Rep. Bachmann acknowledged that a “war on women” is “a daily fact of life for women who suffer under Islamic law.” “There are literally millions of young girls across the world who have their genitals mutilated. Forever. Forever,” she emphasized. 

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In a call to action, Rep. Bachmann explained, “That’s why we need to stand up for women. We need to be for women. Because women don’t have a voice under Islamic law.” 

Her comments echoed comments made earlier this month by Christian nuns who slammed the media for ignoring the persecution of women earlier this month.

— Katie Yoder is Staff Writer, Joe and Betty Anderlik Fellow in Culture and Media at the Media Research Center. Follow Katie Yoder on Twitter.