If anyone was going to dance in the streets when Margaret Thatcher died, you could reliably find a Daily Kos blogger with two turntables and a microphone.
"Ollie Garkey" protested that Thatcher's economic policies were "the greatest case of international larceny in history...far harsher than even Ronald Reagan's economic policies. Thatcher destroyed whole industries in places like Wales and Scotland just to be rid of the unions supported by those industries."
The result has been generational unemployment in places like Glasgow. The increased value of the pound under Margaret thatcher benefited those wealthy constituencies she represented, but destroyed her nation's industrial infrastructure.
Her policies were not the result of any economic miracle. They were not the triumph of right wing ideology over left wing ideology. They were based on what Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond has called the greatest case of international larceny in history: the use of Scottish oil and Welsh mineral wealth, to enrich the wealthy parts of England. So too, the privatization of institutions paid for by the British Public with their tax money enriched the British ruling class.
Apparently, the British Left is so inept at economics that all of Thatcher's 1980s policies are still causing misery in 2013:
A lot of working class people were very badly hurt, and are still hurting, because of the damage done to Glasgow by Margaret Thatcher's policies. This is an expression of that pain and hurt, which even today is still very raw.
Yes, it's wrong to celebrate someone's death. Yes, it's politically unwise. Yes, the optics are terrible. Yes, family members do deserve a level of respect in a time of mourning.
But we're talking about places where, because of Thatcher, generational unemployment is a reality. The wounds from her leadership are still fresh, because these wounds have not yet been healed.
You should expect reports of similar parties occurring across working class areas of Britain both tonight, and in the days to come.
PS: Let's just throw in this blog post, "LaPierre = Hitler."
Wayne La Pierre and Adolf Hitler seem to share a vision, of their entire nation, at their backs, armed to the teeth. Why? Because our enemies are everywhere. Hence, my title....Wow! Universal, mandatory gun ownership down to the last pre-teenager. If this is not the end of Wayne LaPierre's vision for America, then where will he draw the line? How many guns, of how large a caliber, is enough? Wayne? Adolf? Anyone . . . anyone?