Daily Kos Week in Review: Idiot Wind

October 30th, 2011 7:33 PM

The left's standard ad hominem allegations against conservatives are that they're dumb, crazy,  corrupt, or a combination thereof. The DKos gang resorted to all of them this week. Moreover, in not-especially-surprising news, Rosie O'Donnell reaches out to a Kossack.

As usual, each headline is preceded by the blogger's name or pseudonym.

Jed Lewison: It's Mitt versus the stupids  

...The best thing [Romney's] got going for him is that he's up against a pack of drooling idiots...

Something the Dog Said: Perry's dim even by GOP standards

...Perry is very unlikely to be the Republican nominee. Even a party that is dedicated to a war against expertise can’t survive having an idiot as their candidate for president...
sujigu: Conservatives are delusional and hypersensitive
...[C]onsider what I like to call "Conservative Persecution Complex"...
...[I]n their minds, verbal dissent is equivalent to being waterboarded, at least according to Gov. Brewer. The act of hearing something that they don't agree with is somehow tyranny.
This factors into [so] much I hear from the conservative side of the aisle. They live in a world of oppression, where all outlets of information, and society itself, is somehow out to get them...
Oftentimes when I talk to conservative friends and point out a flaw in their logic, they act like I've killed their parents. I mean seriously, you get knicked on the arm and you wail that someone's lopped the entire thing off. It's like a built-in slippery slope...

War on Error: Beware of fascist Tea Party election fraud

...In 2010 maybe it was a good thing that lots of Tea Party candidates got into the House of Representatives.  Perhaps their record prior to the 2012 election will scare more people to the voting booths.  

As long as the Conservatives counting the votes throughout the country don't cheat, maybe we can send these Uber Conservatives/Proto Fascists into history forever.

I think we need to line up some INTERNATIONAL OBSERVERS ASAP!

priceman: The Occupy movement has overcome media bias

...OWS has truly crashed through the corporate owned media gate...That is a major victory considering something else Bill Clinton did in 1996; The Telecommunications Act of 1996 creating the mega media conglomerates we know and hate today, at least those of us who know how damaging propaganda is. At least those living under the iron curtain knew their media was lying to them. We tell ourselves since this is the US our media only lies sometimes...

MinistryOfTruth (AKA Occupy Wall Street spokesman Jesse LaGreca): Here's hoping for exploding heads

...[T]he Rosie O'Donnell show just contacted me. I am sure the idea of me and Rosie in the same room will make some heads explode. That makes me even more excited to do it, the anguish of bigots motivates me...