Letterman: Why Can't We Pray Away Michele Bachmann's Memoirs?

September 2nd, 2011 5:38 PM

Is there anything David Letterman hates more than conservative women?

On Wednesday's "Late Show," the host went after Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann saying, "She is now publishing her memoirs, and I thought, well, wait a minute, why can't we pray that away?" (video follows with transcript and commentary)

DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST: How about that Republican presidential candidate, Michele O’Bachmann [sic]? Isn't she something?

PAUL SHAFFER: Michele Bachmann.

LETTERMAN: Yes. She is now publishing her memoirs, and I thought, well, wait a minute, why can't we pray that away?

[Laughter and applause]

SHAFFER: All right, there you go.

For those wondering, that's not a spelling error. Letterman for months has been saying Michele O'Bachmann in possibly a play on the first lady's name.

Isn't that hilarious? So wasn't Letterman's next so-called joke:

LETTERMAN: And Michele O’Bachmann’s got that haircut. Have you seen that haircut on the woman? It's all the rage. Oh man, if you want to get one of those Michele O’Bachmann haircuts, go into the nearest beauty salon and ask for the whacko. That will get you where you want to be.

Side-splitting, isn't it?

Yet his New York audience ate it up.

As they say, there's no accounting for taste.