CNN Email Desperately Boosts Struggling Stock Market

August 3rd, 2011 3:12 PM

I don't normally get emails from CNN when the markets go from negative territory to positive, or vice-versa. But I did today, as the Dow and the S&P 500 oh-so-temporarily showed plus signs?

So why did CNN send the email? Could it be that the markets' plunge is getting more widely known, and the network feels the need to tamp down the spreading pessimism?

The CNN email, along with a separate graphic of the ridiculously puny momentary upward blip the network was celebrating, follow the jump.


The Dow (as seen above) and the S&P headed south shortly after I received the email.

If you think I received a follow-up email from CNN telling me that things had gone the other way, all I can say is: "You must be new around here."

UPDATE: The Dow closed up 30, making up about 11% of yesterday's loss, and the S&P closed up 6.

Cross-posted at