SICK: MSNBC Blames Trump For Getting Shot At Again

September 15th, 2024 5:42 PM

In the immediate aftermath of a second attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump in 9 weeks, with the shooter’s barrel not yet cold there are already efforts to blame Trump for getting shot at.

Watch as MSNBC anchor Alex Witt and Obama admin official now-analyst Elise Jordan blame Trump, Trump’s supporters, and the Trump Era for the “extremism” in rhetoric that led to Trump getting shot at (click “expand” to view transcript):

ELISE JORDAN: We have seen, Alex, just this cycle of political extremism at play, unfortunately, over the last, you know, really- decade of American politics. Polling, the Lincoln Democracy Institute did a great poll on political extremism in America last year, and one of the findings was that over 50% of Americans no longer see the political opposition as trustworthy opponents, they see them as untrustworthy enemies. And do, on the scales of radicalization by what, you know, after 9/11, the scales that were used, you know, to gauge radicalism and extremism in the Middle East, by that criteria, almost 13% of Americans are actually political extreme- extremists who are radicalized. And it's very scary. And it- how have we gotten to this point when the, you know, the demonization of the other side where we simply- ah, you know, it is no longer politics, it’s gotten bigger than that. The calls for violence. You know, rhetoric and then look at what happens and it, you know, this heated rhetoric can only go so far before, unfortunately, it, you know, it has led to violence on both sides of the aisle and so I think it’s just something that Democrats and Republicans have to be very cognizant about. What can we all do to take the temperature down?

ALEX WITT: Yeah. Do you expect there to be calls from within the Trump campaign to do that? Because, he’s going to reach out to his supporters and say “let's take this down”? We do not know, again, the source of any gunshot or gunshots. We don’t know who is responsible for this. The whole thing has yet to be 100% confirmed from start to finish, how this all played out. But do you expect to hear anything from the Trump campaign about toning down the rhetoric? Toning down the violence? Or would that be atypical of the former president?

JORDAN: Alex, Remember back to the assassination attempt from President Trump's life and how, you know, there was talk of a new tone and then the Republican convention was, by Trumpian standards, muted and it did seem like he was, you know, just trying to take it down a few notches, but then by the end of his convention speech, you know, we were kind of back to where we started. So I don't know how long this could l- you know, this moment of unity for the country where we come together and we say, “I don't want any political opposition to be under threat of violence. It’s not OK, any threat of violence, you know, we don’t want”. I would love for us to have a unity type moment, but it’s probably gonna be pretty fleeting, as we’ve seen in the past.   

The shooter’s barrel had not yet fully cooled when these two were already trying to blame Trump. Jordan tries to be coy but everybody knows, especially given the Harris campaign’s positioning as a change against the incumbent Trump Era, that “the last decade” is really a giant dog whistle for MAGA broadly, and Trump specifically. There is also the broad smearing of the population as “extremists”, and the denunciations of the vague “calls for violence” and “threats” that in reality only go one way. 

If memory serves, it was a deranged MSNBC viewer that almost killed Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) and a Capitol Police officer. Time will tell whether and how this shooter was also radicalized by “rhetoric”.

Here's Vaughn Hillyard tying both Trump assassination attempts to January 6th:

This is a developing story subject to further updates.