Democrats Now Libertarians? Morning Joe Hypes Walz's 'Mind Your Own Damn Business'

August 7th, 2024 3:34 PM

Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning Joe 8-7-24 Somebody call the FTC: we've got a glaring case of false advertising!

The Democrats are now trying to pass themselves off as some sort of neo-libertarians. Kamala Harris kicked off the notion, making "freedom" her campaign slogan,.

And at the rally yesterday announcing her pick of Tim Walz, her new running mate put a cherry on it. Walz claimed:

"In Minnesota, we respect our neighbors and their personal choices that they make. Even if we wouldn't make the same choice for ourselves, there's a golden rule: mind your own damn business!"

On today's Morning Joe, Jonathan Lemire enthused over Walz's libertarian line: "That line also going to be a thing. Mind your own damn business."

Really? Walz believes in respecting neighbors' choices, "even if we wouldn't make the same choice?" As Andrew Stiles at The Washington Free Beacon has noted, during Covid, Walz:

"Established a taxpayer-funded phone line in Minnesota so liberal scolds could snitch on their neighbors who refused to wear masks outside."

East Germany's Stasi would have been proud!


The Catholic League has exposed other examples of Walz sticking his nose into Minnesotans business, including:

  • During the Covid-19 lockdowns, Walz banned houses of worship from having gatherings of larger than 10 people, even though he permitted retail stores, casinos, bars and restaurants to operate at 50% capacity, and he okayed opening the Mall of America.
  • On April 27, 2023, he signed a law that banned “conversion therapy” for transgender youth. These exploited young people want to “detransition” back to their father-determined sex, but Walz wants to take this right away from them.

Other examples of how Democrats are the anti-freedom party: they want to mandate:

  • What kind of cars you can drive.
  • What kind of energy you can use.
  • What kind of people you have to allow into girls' locker rooms and onto girls' sports team.
  • What kind of people you must hire to meet DEI standards.
  • What kind of words can get you fired from your job--or never hired in the first place.
  • What kind of speakers are allowed on campus.

So please, "Coach," spare us your neo-libertarian nonsense!

Note: Before Jonathan Lemire talked up Walz's "mind your own business,"  Mike Barnicle slobbered over the VP announcement rally:

"Watching the Coach yesterday and watching the Vice President yesterday, it was mesmerizing in the sense that it's been awhile since I've seen a rally like that, either on TV or in person.  And watching it, you could just sense the power in the hall. And it was the power of joy, the power of laughter, the power of hope for the future."

Gag me with a $40 Harris-Walz camo hat!

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:12 am EDT

MIKE BARNICLE: Watching the Coach, and I'm going to call him the Coach from now until Election Day, watching the Coach yesterday and watching the Vice President yesterday, it was mesmerizing in the sense that it's been awhile since I've seen a rally like that, either on TV or in person. 

And watching it, you could just sense the power in the hall. And it was the power of joy, the power of laughter, the power of hope for the future. But especially, the power of those who were in the hall and those who were thinking or considering voting for this ticket, the Vice President, and the Coach. For those considering voting for the ticket, giving them the power to think that they're participating in something that will put a smile on your face. It's been a long time since any aspect of the American politics has put a smile on anyone's face. And these two people yesterday managed to put a smile on the nation's face.

JONATHAN LEMIRE: Yeah. The contrast was so evident, and front and center. And Walz, this is what they billed him as. He's got that folksy, Midwestern charm. I think it's right to spend time on his biography. It is very impressive. 

Mike is right. The moment where the Vice President referred to him as Coach, and they kept repeating it, Coach! Coach! That's going to be a thing. I think that's clear, and the campaign recognizes that.

Walz, talking about how the Republicans have tried to take away abortion rights. And he talked about in Minnesota, even if you don't agree on the same thing, if you're respective of privacy, he said something along the lines of, mind your own damn business when it comes to whether or not the government has the ability to oversee a woman's body. 

That line also going to be a thing. Mind your own damn business.