MSNBC's Cross: Alito's 'Dimwitted,' Men Should STFU, Abortion Foes Are 'Terrorists'

May 7th, 2022 10:04 PM

Tiffany Cross Amy Hagstrom Miller Michelle Colon Nancy Cárdenas Peña MSNBC The Cross Connection 5-7-22On her MSNBC show on Saturday, Tiffany Cross made a quartet of claims that ran from the comically absurd to the grotesquely chilling.

Cross began by calling Samuel Alito, the Supreme Court Justice who wrote the draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade, "dim-witted."

Let's see. Alito was a high school valedictorian. He went on to graduate summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, from Princeton, and got his law degree from Yale. Care to match wits, anyone? But this is a routine for Cross. She said GOP senators like Ted Cruz were "basic ass...intellectual inferiors" who shouldn't dare question Ketanji Brown Jackson.

If Cross's first flop was comical in its absurdity, her second was nothing short of horrifying. Cross suggested that pregnant women of color giving birth and letting the children be adopted might not be the "safe route," because a lower percentage of them are adopted compared to white children. 

CROSS: The whole notion that women should have children, and just let the kids get adopted. Well, that's not always a safe route, particularly for black and brown kids. Black kids do not get adopted often. 

Can Cross possibly believe that the preferable, "safe route" would be for those children to die via abortion? Apparently so. Sick.

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Next, when guest Michelle Colon blithely called pro-life people "anti-abortion terrorists," Cross agreed, saying, "you heard Michelle refer to the anti-abortionists as terrorists. And she has a point. Because the people who call themselves quote-unquote pro-life, they achieved this through violence." Cross cited cases in the past in which abortion clinics had been bombed and abortionists attacked. But here, the pro-life forces worked to bring about the Mississippi law restricting abortion and defended it before the Supreme Court. In other words, the pro-lifers worked peacefully and appropriately through the legislative and judicial systems. Yet they're still "terrorists?" 

Abortionist Amy Hagstrom Miller tripled down on it: There is violence. And it is terrorism. And I think it's very important for us to recognize that it is Christian extremism that is at the root of this shame and this stigma that allows laws like this to pass."

Finally, Cross said that her "big point is, if you don't have a uterus, please shut the entire you-know-what up. It really doesn't concern you." 

So it shouldn't concern men that millions of innocent lives are being taken via abortion, and they should just shut the blank up about it? 

On her MSNBC show, Tiffany Cross prattling on about abortion was sponsored in part by Liberty Mutual, Jeep, and 4imprint.

Here's the transcript.

The Cross Connection
10:00 am ET 

TIFFANY CROSS: Here's what you may have missed in that leaked opinion. So, in a footnote, Justice Samuel Alito notes that some amicus briefs have argued that supporters of abortion rights really just want to suppress the size of the African-American population. 

And Alito goes on to suggest that it's because of, whoah, that a highly-disproportionate percentage of aborted fetuses are black. 

Right. So, the man who helped gut voting rights, and uphold the jurisprudence of white racial innocence is now suddently moved to protect a black lives. And of course he offers no context here, because while brevity may be the soul of wit, it is also clearly the soul of the dim-witted . . . .

This ridiculous claim about the disproportionate portion rates for black women, it really belies broader economic and health inequities. For example, in 2017, a survey found that only 39% of black women could even afford  birth control. And that was just at a cost of $10 or less . . . .

The whole notion that women should have children, and just let the kids get adopted. Well, that's not always a safe route, particularly for black and brown kids. Black kids do not get adopted often. We have stats on it. There are often kids who stay in the system for a long time. When you look at the stats of who gets adopted, it is disproportionately white children. There are currently tens of thousands of children, hundreds of thousands of children, in the foster care system who are being shuttled through. So when people say that's the better path for women, what would be a response?

MICHELLE COLON: I'm all for adoption, don't get me wrong. But just like your stats right there, the proof is in the pudding. There's no rush to adopt black babies or brown babies. Let's be clear about that. Just like there's no rush by the Republicans and the anti-abortion terrorists and lawmakers in protecting and safeguarding the life of black and brown children or black and brown people in this country. It is false rhetoric. 

. . . 

CROSS: Amy, you heard Michelle refer to the anti-abortionists as terrorists. And she has a point. Because the people who call themselves quote-unquote pro-life, they achieved this through violence. When you look through the -- look, I'm old enough to remember that in the 80s, the anti-abortion protesters began bombing clinics, threatening doctors. By 1990, a thousand abortion doctors had quit. 84% of counties nationwide had no abortion clinics. You are an abortion provider. What does this ruling mean for you?

AMY HAGSTROM MILLER: So, Michelle is right. And I'm thankful to be here this morning with Michelle and Nancy. There is violence. And it is terrorism. And I think it's very important for us to recognize that it is Christian extremism that is at the root of this shame and this stigma that allows laws like this to pass. That allows justices like this to be confirmed. It this does not represent the majority of feelings and beliefs of people in this country.

. . . 

CROSS: We've been talking a lot about abortion rights all week. And people keep throwing up polling, you know, that a majority of Americans do support abortion rights. But even polling aside, because my big point is, if you don't have a uterus, please shut the entire you-know-what up. It really doesn't concern you. 

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