As the networks pound Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) for his decision to fly to Mexico during the winter crisis facing Texas, only Friday's CBS This Morning seemed to remember that a powerful Democrat last year made a comparable mistake: California’s Governor Gavin Newsom (D) went to a swanky, mask-free party during the state’s lockdown. As that story broke, all three networks initially covered it up, ignoring Newsom’s gaffe.
On Friday, White House correspondent Ed O’Keefe, however, reminded, “Look, who among us wouldn't like to get to Cancun after all this weather?... [Cruz is] hardly the first political leader — especially in recent months — to basically tell constituents do as I say, not as I do. Take the example of California governor Gavin Newsom.”
O’Keefe explained, “[Newsom] was photographed last fall a birthday party inside a five-star Napa Valley restaurant appearing to wear a mask or social distancing, despite his guidance otherwise. It’s just one of the instances driving a recall effort campaign against him.”
Over ABC, Friday's Good Morning America instead kept the focus on Cruz. Reporter Trevor Ault noted that “Houston's Democratic mayor unleashing harsh criticism.” As he showed footage of far-left comedian Jimmy Kimmel, Ault added, “And even late night comics taking aim at Cruz.” Liberal late night hosts attacking a conservative Republican? Shocking.
Instead of mentioning the Newsom situation, NBC’s Today turned to another politician who did the same thing, a Democrat, and suggested that Austin Mayor Steve Adler (D) “return the favor” to Cruz:
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SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: You, yourself, went to Mexico in December to attend a wedding after having told your constituents not to travel because of the pandemic, and Senator Cruz was the one who called you out for it on Twitter, calling you “a complete and utter hypocrite.” So I guess I have to ask you this morning, what do you think about Senator Cruz’s actions this week?
STEVE ADLER [MAYOR OF AUSTIN, D-TX]: You know, I am entirely focused on getting water and food to the people in my community that don’t have it this morning. I’ll leave those issues to Senator Cruz and his voters. But I’m trying to pull people together because we have a real big task in front of us here over the next couple of days.
GUTHRIE: All right, so no thoughts on that? You don’t care to return the favor to Senator Cruz?
ADLER: I am going to stay focused on getting water and food to the people of my community.
GUTHRIE: Austin Mayor Steve Adler. And that is the most important task.
In a separate segment, Today’s Gabe Gutierrez hyped, “Texas Democrats are now calling on [Cruz] to resign.”
The forgetful spin on ABC was sponsored by Progressive insurance, on NBC by General Motors. Click on the link to let them know what you think.
Here’s a partial transcript of the CBS This Morning segment. Click “expand” to read more.
CBS This Morning
7:13 a.m.
GAYLE KING: A lot of people, Ed, around the country hitting their head going “What the hell was he thinking? Not to mention there's pictures of his little dog, Snowflake, poodle, who's standing in the door also looking forlorn. I want to know, what do you make of his decision to go, and his explanation now about it was a mistake?
ED O’KEEFE: Yeah, I mean, look, who among us wouldn't like to get to Cancun after all this weather? But you know, you're just not supposed to be doing that kind of thing right now. And he's hardly the first political leader — especially in recent months — to basically tell constituents do as I say, not as I do. Take the example of California governor Gavin Newsom, was photographed last fall a birthday party inside a five-star Napa Valley restaurant appearing to wear a mask or social distancing, despite his guidance otherwise. It’s just one of the instances driving a recall effort campaign against him.