Hypocritical Mika Brzezinski Desperately Tries to Censor Trump

May 23rd, 2020 4:00 PM

Here’s the headline from Fox News: "MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski wants Trump blocked by Twitter: ‘A call is being set up.’"

The Fox report begins by noting Mika was furious with a presidential tweet that took aim at hubby Joe Scarborough, her co-host on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. The story goes on to say: 

“Scarborough's co-host and wife Mika Brzezinski fired back, both on TV and on Twitter, then claimed she had arranged to speak with officials at Twitter regarding the content of Trump's posts -- and her call for the president to be banned from the social media platform.

“A call is being set up with @jack and the GC,” Brzezinski told her nearly 1 million Twitter followers, referring to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and the company’s general counsel.”

The essence here? 

Back in 2001, when Joe was Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, a 28-year old congressional aide to Joe was found dead in his Florida district office. As The Washington Post has reported, and other outlets as well “no foul play was suspected, and her death was ultimately ruled an accident by the medical examiner.” 

Move ahead to the current moment. Mika and Joe have become Trump critics. Some would say obsessively so. The President, in his fight-back-on-twitter style, tweeted - taunted? - of MSNBC-owning Comcast: 

“And will they terminate low ratings Joe Scarborough based on the ‘unsolved mystery’ that took place in Florida years ago? Investigate!”

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This has now, apparently, driven Mrs. Scarborough to even more obsessive anti-Trump furies than already possessed her. Her response? Yes indeed. She demanded that Twitter remove Trump with a ban, and asked for and apparently got or is getting a call-back from Twitter CEO Jack Dawson.

Stop. Full stop. 

Let’s take a look at some of the things ole Joe and Mika have said on-air about the President of the United States.

Here’s this headline on Joe’s televised thoughts on Trump, this from The Daily Wire: "Joe Scarborough Loses It, Says Trump Mentally Ill, Has Dementia." 

The story notes that Joe looked into the MSNBC camera as if he were talking directly to Trump, and said this, bold print supplied for emphasis:

“You represent 325 million people whose lives are literally in your hands, and we are facing a showdown with a nuclear power and you have somebody inside the White House that the New York Daily News says is mentally unfit; that people close to him say is mentally unfit; that people close to him during the campaign told me had early stages of dementia.”

On other occasions Scarborough has described the President as “not well”, saying: 


“Mr. President, I ask that you get checked out. I ask that you take a rest. I ask that you take care of yourself, maybe let Mike Pence run things for the next week. You’re not well.”

After Trump made the decision to withdraw American troops from Syria,  Joe said this, per MSNBC. Bold print supplied: 

“‘Donald Trump is not well. Donald Trump is not emotionally fit to be president, and Republicans you know it. He's not mentally fit to be President of the United States right now, and you know it.’ Scarborough adds ‘it just keeps getting worse, and the consequences are growing grimmer by the day.’”

Back in 2017, NewsBusters's own Chris Reeves headlined this from Morning Joe in the aftermath of a presidential post-hurricane visit to Puerto Rico: "Morning Joe Paints Trump as a Sociopathic Dictator After Puerto Rico Visit." 

On another occasion, NewsBusters headlined this from a Morning Joe show as reported by Reeves:  "Morning Joe: Trump and Republicans Will Be Responsible For 'Nuclear Holocaust.'" 

This time around it was Mika talking about “questioning his (Trump’s) fitness to be in charge of the keys to nuclear weapons. She spoke of “new concern over the President's stability” and “His mental abilities.” 

And then there was this NewsBusters story about another occasion on Morning Joe discussing Trump’s mental state. The headline: "Morning Joe Promotes Military Insubordination Based on Claim That Trump Has ‘Dementia.'" 

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Just last month, NewsBusters headlined yet another moment of out-of-control Joe.  The headline: "Watch Joe Scarborough Suffer a Screaming Coronavirus Breakdown." 

The story, by Mark Finkelstein, said this: 

“Joe Scarborough opened today's Morning Joe by mentioning that rather than watching President Trump's press conference yesterday, he listened to the Rolling Stones to calm his nerves. 

Had Scarborough listened by chance to the Stones's ‘19th Nervous Breakdown?’ Because poor Joe suffered a real-time, live-on-the-air, breakdown this morning, literally screaming and pounding the table as he railed against President Trump and an unnamed ‘network’ [obviously Fox News] regarding the coronavirus. 

Scarborough's meltdown reached its apogee 1:44 into the clip, as Joe literally overwhelmed the studio's sound system, screaming that the unnamed network ‘NEVER LEARNS!!’

Joe's wife Mika Brzezinski was obviously concerned about her husband's mental health. As they went to break, Mika solicitously asked Scarborough ‘do you need to go listen to the Stones, or are you okay?’”

And oh yes. Mika’s outrage at the Trump tweet about the death of the Scarborough congressional staffer? She mysteriously seems to forget when someone she knows was laughing about the young aide’s death. 

Here’s the transcript from Don Imus’s old TV taping of his radio show on May 29, 2003. The guest: Joe Scarborough. Imus is giving Joe advice in his new role as an MSNBC TV host. It reads this way:

IMUS: “Don’t be afraid to be funny, because you are funny. Iasked you why you aren’t in Congress. You said that you had sex with the intern and then you had to kill her.

SCARBOROUGH: Yeah. (Laughs.) Well, what are you going to do?

Curiously, with Joe caught right there in the flesh joking about the death of his young staffer, Mika has fallen strangely silent.

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So. The real question here?

If Mika Brzezinski believes it’s ok to slip into the role of Twitter censor and get the President of the United States banned because she is incensed by his tweets? 

Then it would certainly be reasonable to ask if Mika and Joe should not be banned from television. After all, to sit there on a Comcast MSNBC show and repeatedly suggest the President is mentally ill, has dementia, is a would be homicidal-maniac who wants to blow up the world in a nuclear holocaust, is a sociopath and insane and on and on - isn’t it time to retire them from the airwaves? Let them stay in Florida, take away their television and computers and just let them listen in the quiet to the Rolling Stones sing about what might actually describe their respective televised rantings - their Umpteenth Nervous Breakdown?

In fact?


Mika and Joe may be crazy. Obsessed. Infected with a serious case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. But just as Ted Cruz pointed out that “The media should NOT be asking Silicon Valley billionaires to silence the President of the United States” - neither should anyone be asking television networks to silence commentators they don’t like.

Don’t ban them. Let Mika and Joe babble on. In fact, what those in the Leftist State Media seem not to understand is that all of this Hate Trump drivel actually backfires badly and helps the President big time. When I am out on the speaking trail I am repeatedly told by Americans that they are making a point of getting Trump re-elected precisely because of the conduct of the media. 

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The problem with Mika and her demand that Twitter silence the President  is not unlike the problem millions of Americans are experiencing in the midst of the Covid-19 virus with dictatorial lockdown orders from various Democrat governors.

The real - and revealing - problem here is that, in this case, if one scratches the surface of a liberal like Mika, what one finds underneath is a totalitarian screaming to get out.