One Big Tech company has embraced the opportunity to cash in on the impeachment proceedings.
From breath freshening “Impeachmints” and “National Embarassmints” to anti-Trump scented candles and shirts, Amazon appears to be making money from hatred of the current president.

Sellers, vendors, authors and agencies can pay Amazon to have their product prominently featured on the platform. One such sponsored product featured by Amazon was an “Impeachment” scented candle. This candle supposedly “offers a flicker of hope for when you need it.” It also “features a spinner with ideas for actual, small steps you can take toward making America great again (but, you know, for real this time).” One small step suggested is calling a member of congress and donating to a “worthy” political candidate:
“In fact if you haven't bought this candle yet, maybe use the money to make a political contribution instead. You have our permission.”
Wicked Truth Candle Co made a similar product with their ImPeachMint candles.
The product description reads like a humorous political satire of liberalism. It says the candles are made from soy and other ingredients and “hand poured in Easthampton, MA by women artisans who are former refugees.” Because nothing says assimilated immigrant loyal to America like somebody who wants the sitting president removed from office.
Amazon also has impeachment-related books as sponsored content such as “Impeach: The Case Against Donald Trump” by Neal Katyal and Sam Koppelman. “The Impeachment Report: The House Intelligence Committee’s Report on Its Investigation Into Donald Trump and Ukraine” by The House Intelligence Committee and introduced by Jon Meacham and “Judiciary Committee Report on the Impeachment of Donald Trump: Includes the Report of the Intelligence Committee” by the Judiciary Committee U.S. House of Representatives and Jerrold Nadler are also listed as sponsored products.
The “Impeachmint” lip balm from The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, another product sold on Amazon, said in its description that “More and more people are asking for the welcome relief of IMPEACHMINT. Demand IMPEACHMINT! Apply liberally.”