Unhinged: Joe Scarborough Claims the Red Cross Is Spinning for the White House

June 24th, 2018 3:53 PM

Over the weekend, MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough took to Twitter and suggested the Trump administration was “banning” the American Red Cross from tending to the kids separated from their families at the border. After the Red Cross clarified what was going on, Scarborough’s Trump Derangement Syndrome flared up and he accused the international relief charity of shilling for the President.

Scarborough’s deranged accusations started after the American Red Cross tweeted out a link on Friday (June 22) highlighting organizations mobilizing to help the immigrants detained. “We share everyone's concern about the border situation and stand ready to help. We have offered assistance to federal gov't authorities, but without permission, we can't access facilities,” they wrote.



Later that day, the MSNBC host got a hold of it and suggested Trump was “banning” the organization at the same time he was “incarcerating” “infants and toddlers”. “Trump’s Centralized State is even banning the Red Cross from visiting those infants and toddlers being incarcerated by Trump. What do Trump and Pence have to hide,Scarborough angrily declared.

On Saturday morning (June 23), the American Red Cross responded to Scarborough looking to set the record straight. “This is not true, and we are sorry if our statement led you to this conclusion,” they apologized. “We’ve had discussions with federal officials to see if there is a way we can help, but no one is ‘banning’ us from anything, and if there is a role for the Red Cross to play, we will.”

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Just a few minutes later, Scarborough lashed out of the aid group by asserting they were shilling for the White House. “Your statement clearly states that you cannot help those incarcerated because despite your offers to help, the government did not grant you access,” he said, putting words in their mouth. “I understand the position you are in. But focus on missing children and leave the spin to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.



And it wasn’t just Scarborough making wild accusations about the Trump administration “banning” the Red Cross. “It’s horrifying that the Trump administration won’t even allow the Ref Cross [sic] to visit its immigrant detention centers. What is the administration trying to hide,” wondered New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof.

Such baseless accusations seemed to be so pervasive that the American Red Cross had to put out not one but two official statements trying to quell the nonsense. “We have been in contact at many different levels of the Administration to offer our help with the border situation. Officials have welcomed and appreciated the discussions, understand our capabilities, and know that Red Cross help is available,” they explained.

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Daily Caller editor, Derek Hunter curated Scarborough’s tweets by taking screenshots of them. “How deranged is @JoeNBC? He lies about what the @RedCross said, they correct him, he calls them liars. Keep the people outraged to prevent them from thinking, right Joe,” Hunter he added.

[H/T Daily Caller’s Derek Hunter]