WashPost Story on SNL's Ivanka Parody Ignores Her Brand's Success Despite Leftist Boycott

March 12th, 2017 5:46 PM

An irony-ignorant skit on the March 11 edition of Saturday Night Live featured a parody commercial portraying Ivanka Trump promoting a perfume called "Complicit." Washington Post writer Aaron Blake covered the episode in an alleged "Analysis" blog post, yet managed to ignore the February success of Ivanka's product line despite a declared leftist boycott and Nordstrom dropping her brand.

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Here are the key paragraphs from Blake's post at the paper's "The Fix" blog, with a headline betraying its enthusiasm for SNL's endeavor:

SNL goes after Ivanka Trump hard

Yet again this weekend, “Saturday Night Live” trotted out Alec Baldwin doing a Donald Trump impression for its cold open. And yet again, that wasn't even close to its harshest political sketch.

That distinction this week was reserved for “Complicit,” a faux Ivanka Trump perfume ad that is liable to really ruffle some feathers.

The basic idea is pretty clear: As an outspoken woman known to be very close to her father, she is complicit in the things Trump does — and for not doing something about them.

“She's Ivanka,” the narrator says. “And a woman like her deserves a fragrance all her own. A scent made just for her. Because she's beautiful. She's powerful. She's … Complicit.”

More: “She's a woman who knows what she wants, and knows what she's doing. Complicit.”

And: “She doesn't crave the spotlight, but we see her. Oh, how we see her,” as she looks in a mirror and sees Baldwin-as-Trump looking back at her.

“A feminist. A champion. An advocate for women,” the narrator says as women on screen look confused. “But, like, how?”

And the grand finale sums it all up.

“Complicit: The fragrance for the woman who could stop all of this,” the narrator says, " but won't.”

Here's the fake ad's video:

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FEMALE NARRATOR: Every man knows her name. Every woman knows her face. When she walks into a room, all eyes are on her. She's Ivanka.

And a woman like her deserves a fragrance all her own. A scent made just for her. Because she's beautiful. She's powerful. She's ... Complicit.

She's a woman who knows what she wants, and knows what she's doing. Complicit.

She doesn't crave the spotlight, but we see her. Oh, how we see her. (Alec Baldwin, playing Donald Trump, stares back at her in the mirror.)

Complicit. A feminist. An advocate. A champion for women. But, like, how?”

She's loyal, devoted, but probably should have bounced after the whole Access Hollywood bus thing. Oh well.

Also, I bet when she watches Titanic, she think's she's Rose. Sorry, girl. You're Billy Zane.

Complicit: The fragrance for the woman who could stop all of this, but won't.

Also available in a cologne for Jared.

Though Blake's piece at the Post is labeled "analysis," he failed to provide readers with a contrary and quite inconvenient truth.

As James Powers at NewsBusters noted on Wednesday, "Instead of suffering" as a result of a declared leftist boycott, "the Ivanka brand has skyrocketed." NB commenter "Honesty" at that post caught the news (HT Gateway Pundit) that two of her branded items had reappeared at the website of Nieman Marcus, which had previously pulled her product line.

In that context, which Blake failed to provide, SNL's choice to run this decidedly unfunny parody comes off as an example of deep, sore-loser bitterness over a strategy which utterly failed.

Hillary Clinton, complicit in husband Bill's affairs and alleged rape, and Chelsea Clinton, who spent her mother's 2016 presidential campaign "whitewashing her father's sexual transgressions, which include alleged rape" and her mother's complicity, apparently weren't considered worthy of the much harsher ridicule they deserve.

Cross-posted at BizzyBlog.com.

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