MSNBC’s Ari Melber filled in for Lawrence O’Donnell as host on The Last Word Monday night, where he and his guests, The Nation’s Joan Walsh and CBS News Sunday Morning Contributor Nancy Giles talked about Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s speech with Hillary Clinton earlier that day. Giles held nothing back in her praise for the pair, calling Warren a “white rap star” who “pumped up Hillary” in a moment that was “almost like testifying” in church.
After playing a clip from the Clinton rally, Melber asked Giles, “What did you think, looking at these two women?” Giles responded with gushy enthusiasm, calling Warren “spunky” and like “a white rap star:”

NANCY GILES: I was so excited. I even liked the fact that they were both in blue...I just love Elizabeth Warren. I love her spunk. She's hardworking. She came from nothing. You know, and she's unafraid. I kept waiting for her to go, drop mic. She's like a white rap star, you know. And I was absolutely electrified. And I felt a real current between them. I felt like she pumped up Hillary and I loved seeing two strong wonderful women together. I was thrilled.
GILES: [M]an, I tell you, it was like almost like testifying. It was a little bit like church, you know, maybe Presbyterian church, but whatever, I grooved on it. No, I did. And it's just great seeing two smart women. I mean, come on, let's just cut through the crap, who is more qualified than Hillary Clinton?
The Nation’s Joan Walsh agreed with Giles compliments to Clinton’s character praising her for “standing up to the right wing for her whole career.” “No other modern politician has faced this long of an onslaught,” Walsh gushed. Giles brought the topic back to Donald Trump and his comments calling Warren “Pocahontas” where she complained that Warren’s critics were “obsessed with ethnicity.”
GILES: [C]an I just say something about this Pocahontas thing, because, what is it with that group, that they’re like, so obsessed with ethnicity, like, whether you're this or that or the other, in the end we're all black, okay, we started in the fertile crescent, if anybody tried to tease Donald Trump and his origins, he’d fall apart!
It’s certainly ironic for Giles to claim Republicans were the ones who were obsessed with race, or even just Warren’s critics, as she was the one who used her “ethnicity” to build a career.