The View’s Raven-Symone: Climate Change ‘Equal Threat’ to Terrorism

December 16th, 2015 4:14 PM

View co-host Raven-Symoné took to Twitter last night to blast GOP candidates on foreign policy and, in particular, climate change. The actress and one-time Disney star scolded former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for saying terrorism is a bigger threat than climate change.

“Climate change is real #Huckabee it's an equal threat in my eyes. Both issues will kill us if we don't take a stance #GOPDebate.” Symone tweeted that comment presumably in response to Gov. Huckabee’s suggestion that President Obama was wrong to call climate change America’s No. 1 enemy. “The president thinks that climate change is the No. 1 enemy,” Huckabee said. “I think people bombing us is a bigger enemy than the temperature change over several hundred years.”

Raven-Symoné apparently doesn’t like the GOP, as she retweeted a comment from @TrueBlueLiberal that read, “.@CNN, Is the main #GOPDebate going to be all non-stop jingoistic chest beating and warmongery too? There ARE other subjects to ask about.” At one point, she retweeted former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura saying, “Does the audience understand that if they keep clapping the candidates will keep talking? #OraPolitics #GOPDebate

Her twitter timeline was littered with criticisms of conservative positions on military intervention, radical Islam, and women in combat. “I'm gonna watch #Chopped & #ChoppedJunior until the main debate happens. I need a break from #killkillkill #bombbombbomb,” she tweeted.

Raven-Symoné has a history of expressing liberal views, such as when she compared Ben Carson to a slave owner in his views on abortion. “He’s doing the exact same thing that the slave owners did,” Raven-Symoné said, because he was cutting off choices for pregnant women. In October, Raven-Symoné called for more gun control, saying, “You need to lock 'em up. I personally think you need tougher gun laws and there needs to be some type of reform.”