Pool Reports Page Gone, Still No Press Briefings on WhiteHouse.gov

January 27th, 2009 12:16 PM
Checking out the official Web page for the Obama administration today, I noticed that the White House has removed the  "pool reports" entry from the "Briefing Room" lineup roughly six days after the White House press corps made clear it would not fork over the pool reports to the White House. The page itself, which of course lacks any pool reports, is still accessible here.As of noon this 27th…

Celebs for McCain: Yes, Virginia, There are a Few

August 28th, 2008 4:30 PM
In my short time here at NewsBusters, I've pounded away at the left's obsession with celebrities and especially their outsized role in Obama's campaign--going so far as to "advise" the candidate. You won't see any of that from the celebrities supporting John McCain. They're happy to keep their involvement to voice-overs for campaign ads and donations.The Weekly Standard reports on a recent…

Will Media Report Biden's Exaggerations About Obama's Record

August 28th, 2008 11:00 AM
It certainly isn't surprising that Barack Obama and his surrogates are going to need to exaggerate his scant accomplishments in the Senate in order to create the appearance that he's actually qualified for the most important job in the world.However, an impartial media should be at the ready to point out to viewers and readers whenever claims are made that clearly stretch the truth. If press…

What Every Liberal Reporter Should Say About Biden Pick

August 23rd, 2008 11:51 PM
While mainstream media members do a collective standing ovation for presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama's choice for his running mate, something seems desperately wrong with their reports. After all, they're supposed to be the great supporters of women's issues and equal rights.This obvious hypocrisy has gone largely unnoticed as liberal reporter after liberal reporter jumped…

Half See Pro-Obama Bias and Say Media Make Economy Seem Worse

July 22nd, 2008 2:12 AM
More than three times as many Americans see a media tilt in favor of Democrat Barack Obama than toward Republican John McCain. A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey released Monday, of 1,000 likely voters, “found that 49 percent of voters believe most reporters will try to help Obama with their coverage, up from 44 percent a month ago,” compared to a piddling 14 percent who “believe most reporters…

Why You Can't Tell Jokes About Obama

July 20th, 2008 11:23 AM
As NewsBusters reported, John McCain was Conan O'Brien's guest on Friday's "Late Night," and the comedian asked the presumptive Republican presidential nominee for some joke ideas beyond just his age.According to the Weekly Standard's Christopher Caldwell, comedians are having a far more difficult time finding humorous material about Barack Obama.Writing for the Financial Times Friday, Caldwell…

Obama Doesn't Understand Role of Joint Chiefs: Will MSM Take Note

July 14th, 2008 5:35 PM
A couple days ago at the gym, listening to a Hugh Hewitt podcast and perhaps not paying as much attention as I should have while pedaling away, I heard Hugh mention that Barack Obama doesn't understand the role of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. What was Hugh referring to? As the British would say: the penny just dropped.  A few minutes ago, CNN's Situation Room played a clip of Obama saying this…

Jennings Rides Again: Kristol Warns Conservatives Against 'Temper Tan

February 4th, 2008 2:14 PM
The voters had a temper tantrum last week . . . Parenting and governing don't have to be dirty words: the nation can't be run by an angry two-year-old. -- Peter Jennings, November 14, 1994, on the Republican landslide.[C]onservatives . . . can choose to stand aside from history while having a temper tantrum. But they should consider that the American people might then choose not to invite them…

French Reporter: Arafat Donating Blood for 9/11 Was Staged Photo Op

January 27th, 2008 7:42 PM
Remember that touching picture of Yassar Arafat donating his blood to the 9/11 victims that was conveniently published after CNN ran footage of Palestinians cheering and handing out candy to celebrate the destruction in New York? Now France 2 journalist Charles Enderlin says that photo was staged; Arafat never gave blood.The photos were taken by an AP photographer with a history of biased…

Weekly Standard Spoofs Matthews' Pollsters Should = 'Archie Bunker

January 23rd, 2008 7:02 AM
Catching up: Picking up on Chris Matthews' New Hampshire primary night suggestion (reported that evening on NewsBusters) -- that if pollsters called with an “Archie Bunker voice” they'd “get a more honest answer” -- last week's Weekly Standard magazine's “Parody” page conjured up an imaginary memo to pollsters advising them to mimic the voice of actor Carroll O'Connor's character. Amongst the…

Time's Joe Klein Besmirches Pro-'Surge' Troops Writing In Weekly Stand

August 24th, 2007 4:12 PM
If you're a soldier serving in Iraq and have a downbeat view of the troop surge, Time's Joe Klein is itching to have the Left adopt you as a poster boy. But should you be a soldier in Iraq and you think the surge is working, well, obviously you're just a tool of those vile neocons at The Weekly Standard, willing to "trash" fellow soldiers.: