Taranto: PolitiFact Changing Its 'True' Obamacare Claim to 'Lie of the

December 14th, 2013 9:48 PM
James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal took on the strange conflict that is PolitiFact picked a “Lie of the Year” they’ve repeatedly defended as “Half True.” Barack Obama repeatedly claimed that if you liked your health plan, you could keep it once he passed his badly named "Affordable Care Act." He called it "PolitiFact's Forked Tongue." PolitiFact has only drawn a yellow Hi-Liter through…

Politico: Obamacare Causing Americans to Lose Their Doctors Is a 'New

December 5th, 2013 6:44 AM
Seung Min Kim and Jennifer Haberkorn at the Politico have apparently been living in hermetically sealed Beltway caves since early October. In an item which appeared Tuesday evening, the pair acted as if the idea that Americans stand a great chance of losing access to their current doctors and other medical providers as a result of signing up for a health care plan through the Obamacare…

WSJ Editorialists Do the Obamacare Reporting the Establishment Press W

December 1st, 2013 9:01 AM
As has so often been the case since Barack Obama took office in 2009, the editorialists at a major national business newspaper are reporting facts that the wire services and broadcast networks should have relayed to the American people weeks or months ago. In this case, it's the Wall Street Journal. A Friday evening editorial published in Saturday's print edition directly refutes the Obama…

Wall Street Journal Reports 'Fall of King Coal,' But Buries Who the Mi

November 27th, 2013 10:34 PM
Here’s one fairly obvious sign The Wall Street Journal isn’t run as a partisan Obama-bashing rag after being acquired by Rupert Murdoch. On the front of Wednesday’s paper is an article headlined “The Fall of King Coal Hits Hardest in the Mines of Kentucky.” Reporters Kris Maher and Tom McGinty used federal data to note the number of mining jobs has collapsed in eastern Kentucky. But there’s…

Tom Brokaw Unleashes Grandpa Rage at How Twitter Would Have Destroyed

November 12th, 2013 3:49 PM
In Tuesday's Wall Street Journal, former NBC anchor Tom Brokaw is feeling Barack Obama's pain in an article titled "Imagine the Tweets During the Cuban Missile Crisis." The pull quote was "The JFK who charmed the press would have had a harder time in today's media world." Translation: JFK wouldn't have had as many eager myth-makers as he did. Brokaw despaired about how he was working on a JFK…

Networks Hype High Estimate of Shutdown Cost, Job Loss

November 12th, 2013 11:18 AM
The news media worried a lot about how awful the government shutdown would be and estimated it would take a huge toll on the economy as well. Now it looks like they were wrong about the size of the damage. The networks touted a recent Standard & Poor’s (S&P) estimate that the shutdown would cost $24 billion. That figure was mentioned on the networks five times from Oct. 17 to Oct. 24. …

Press Virtually Silent as Appeals Court Blocks Obamacare's Contracepti

November 11th, 2013 2:54 PM
The press has been obsessed with the fate of Obamacare's contraception mandate ever since religious, corporate, and other litigants began challenging it in the courts. So what explains the fact that a search on "Korte" at the Associated Press's national site and at the New York Times return nothing and nothing relevant, respectively? Or that there are only nine stories at Google Newsin a…

Incomplete WSJ Report Notes That 'Policy Advisers' Were Overruled by

November 3rd, 2013 4:28 PM
On Saturday morning, three Wall Street Journal reporters told readers that as President Obama was promoting Obamacare, there was internal debate between "policy advisers" and "political aides" as to whether the President's obviously unqualified and unconditional "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" statement, made roughly 20 times between his inauguration and the law's March 2010…

Peggy Noonan: ‘ObamaCare Has Just Been a Disaster. I’ve Never Seen

November 3rd, 2013 12:13 PM
Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan had some more harsh words for the pathetic rollout of ObamaCare Sunday. Appearing on ABC’s This Week, Noonan said, “It has just been a disaster. I’ve never seen a story quite like this” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Hurricane Sandy Relief: Networks Attack GOP, But Mention Pork Only

October 29th, 2013 2:10 PM
Striking the Northeast on Oct. 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy tragically devastated communities causing an estimated $50 billion in damages. By the end of January 2013, a relief bill was passed for Sandy aid, after the bill was delayed because of wasteful spending. House Republicans opposed a pork-ridden $60 billion Senate bill ($10 billion higher than damage estimates) and chose not to vote on it…

Peggy Noonan on ObamaCare: ‘Stop the Whole Thing, Go Back to Point O

October 27th, 2013 3:18 PM
Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan said something about ObamaCare Sunday that the majority of Americans clearly agree with. Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, Noonan said, “I wish we could stop the whole thing, go back to point one and say, ‘Let's try this again’” (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Noonan and Senor School Krugman on the ObamaCare Train Wreck

October 13th, 2013 12:35 PM
Despite all the trouble ObamaCare has been having since health insurance exchanges opened about two weeks ago, New York Times columnist Paul Krugman on ABC’s This Week Sunday predictably had nothing but praise for the law. Fortunately the Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan and former Mitt Romney advisor Dan Senor were present to set the record straight (video follows with transcript and…

WSJ Notes Benefit of Shutdown: New Federal Regulations Slow to a Trick

October 10th, 2013 12:57 PM
So here's an angle on the federal government shutdown that you're not getting from the liberal broadcast media. With non-essential personnel furloughed, federal regulators have not been at work, which is a huge blessing to an overregulated American economy, the Wall Street Journal's editorial board noted today. Indeed, new regulations published in the Federal Register have slowed to a trickle…

Miss America More Important to Media than Fed Nominee

October 9th, 2013 2:22 PM
The next Federal Reserve Chairman will be Janet Yellen. President Barack Obama plans to nominate her on Oct. 9. Ahead of the announcement, Yellen, the liberal Fed vice chairman, was considered the most likely candidate to replace Ben Bernanke ever since Larry Summers, her chief rival for the nomination, bowed out of the race on Sept. 16. She was a frontrunner even before Summers’ withdrawal.…