David Shuster, Fellow Lefties Let Fox Hatred Embarrass Them Once Again

March 4th, 2011 4:39 PM
The far-left Fox-haters are at it again. In just the past couple of days, we've seen multiple instances of leftist pundits dishonestly bashing the Fox News Channel in yet more attempts to slime the cable news channel. The latest such attempts caught the attention of cable news blogger Johnny Dollar, who consistently documents the left's growing hatred of everything Fox. The more notable…

Soros: Rupert Murdoch and Fox are Like Nazis, Tea Partiers are Being D

February 20th, 2011 9:26 PM
George Soros on Sunday likened Fox News and Rupert Murdoch to Nazis while claiming that Tea Partiers are being deceived and misled by a force they can't understand. Appearing on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS," the financier of far-left propaganda outlets such as the Center for American Progress, Media Matters for America, and MoveOn.org was not shy about his distaste for conservatives (video…

Unlike Breitbart, Media See No Indictment of Web Journalism in ThinkP

October 13th, 2010 3:13 PM
Why are Americans not being bombarded with sermons on the irresponsibility of blogs and new media generally? After all, the White House's attacks on the Chamber of Commerce originated with a salacious, factually-erroneous report on a highly partisan left-wing blog. Shouldn't we be hearing about the dangers of relying on new media for political news? We were inundated with such talk after the…

NB Exclusive: Chamber of Commerce Blasts Media for Shoddy Coverage of

October 8th, 2010 12:49 PM
On Wednesday, the far-left blog ThinkProgress unveiled an "investigation" that alleged, without any conclusive evidence, that the Chamber of Commerce was spending funds acquired from foreign-owned companies on political activities in the United States, a crime under U.S. law. ThinkProgress demonstrated that such funds entered the Chamber's general fund, and that money from the general fund…

Media Parrot Far-left Blog's Smear Campaign Against Chamber of Commerc

October 6th, 2010 2:21 PM
A number of media liberals are up in arms over a far-left blog's inconclusive investigation - replete with innuendo and assumption - purporting to show that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has illegally spent funds obtained from foreign entities on political campaigns in the United States. Of course near-identical efforts by a handful of the most powerful labor unions have not been mentioned.…

After Many Mocked GOP Website, Media Still Silent on Dems' Tech Proble

September 24th, 2010 10:05 AM
When the Republican Party launched a new website in October of last year, they had some serious problems with the new site. The media ate it up.Within a few days, media outlets ranging from Politico to "The Daily Show" to the Huffington Post to the Christian Science Monitor - and, of course, a host of liberal blogs - had weighed in on the website's problems. Their commentaries mostly took the…

Civil Discourse is Overrated

August 15th, 2010 10:20 AM
So Matt Lewis writes a column decrying, I think, the Political climate's nastiness. I say, I think, because after reading it, I'm not quite sure what he's saying.Matt brings up two pieces of evidence: Matt Yglesias saying that lying is okay was one distressing example. Well, duh. Yglesias is a liberal and I have yet to read a liberal blogger who doesn't believe the ends justify the means. There…

Ground Zero Mosque Backlash a Symptom of Economy Says Think Progress B

August 10th, 2010 12:31 PM
Is it "the economy, stupid" or is it just that the economy makes people stupid? Either way Matt Yglesias, ThinkProgress.org blogger extraordinaire, believes the economy is what's driving conservative furor over the "Ground Zero Mosque." On MSNBC's August 9 broadcast of "Countdown," Yglesias did his best to psychoanalyze people that are upset a mosque is being built in the shadow of Ground Zero,…

CNN Analyst Echoes Liberal Talking Points on Arizona Immigration Judge

July 30th, 2010 3:26 PM
On Wednesday night's "Anderson Cooper 360," CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin claimed that the federal judge in the Arizona immigration case doesn't possess "a strong political profile one way or another," which is a sign the decision is well-supported by the law.Cooper asked Toobin if Judge Bolton, who decided the case, was a liberal, noting that she was appointed to the post by President Clinton."She'…

Far-left Think Progress Fabricates Examples of Tea Party Racism for Bo

July 16th, 2010 6:14 PM
Liberal activists are so desperate to paint the Tea Party as racist that some, apparently, are willing to fabricate evidence and fallaciously draw unsupported conclusions to support their point.Lee Fang, a writer for the far-left blog Think Progress, recently posted a video purporting to show racism at Tea Parties. But the video was a total fraud. It took statements out of context, claimed racism…

Fact Check Fail: Think Progress Cherry-Picks Evidence for Anti-Palin

June 21st, 2010 6:14 PM
Usually when you see something on the Center for American Progress' Think Progress blog, you ignore it (or at best take it with a grain of salt) because you know its fundamental objective is to score some inane point against conservatives or the Republican Party. But a June 21 post by Tanya Somanader, categorized as "Radical Right-Wing Agenda" was too hard to let go. In her post, "Fact Checking…

Lefty Blogs, Duped By Student Project, Claim to Unearth 'Secret' Astro

May 12th, 2010 5:53 PM
One can't help but be a bit stunned at the audacity of an organization built by Morton Halperin and George Soros lecturing others on "astroturfing." But that same audacity -- not the good Barack Obama kind -- is taken to extremes when that same organization alleges a corporate conspiracy where there simply is none.Think Progress's Lee Fang was practically giddy that he had uncovered the next vast…

David Shuster's Online Reading List a Who's-Who of Far-Left Opinion

January 31st, 2010 12:11 PM
How can journalists possibly claim to be "objective" (in the Old Media, I-have-no-opinions sense of the term) when they get their news only from hyper-partisan sources on one side of the political spectrum? To do so should make any reporter blush.But David Shuster, apparently, has no issue with undertaking such objective journalistic endeavors as "fact checking and analyzing", while gathering…

Contrary to Leftist Accusations, Census Worker's Death Ruled Suicide

November 24th, 2009 5:00 PM
After a Census Bureau worker was found dead in rural Kentucky in September, liberals jumped at the chance to attribute his death to right-wing extremists whipped into a frenzy by the hate-filled sermons of Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck. It turns out the Census employee committed suicide and tried to make it seem like a murder to recoup life insurance payments for his son.USA Today reports that…