Salon: ‘Odious’ Laura Ingraham Won’t Run For Congress; She’s M

July 30th, 2014 4:18 PM
A few months ago, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) announced he would leave the House after the current session to host a radio talk show. But what about a talk host running for Congress? In a Tuesday piece, Salon’s Jim Newell wondered about the possibility that conservative talkers such as Laura Ingraham would take the plunge. Newell mentioned Ingraham’s vigorous support for Cantor-slayer Dave…

Limbaugh Asks How Sandra Fluke Can Donate $100K-Plus to Her Campaign Y

July 29th, 2014 9:35 PM
Two years after he was widely vilified for suggesting that Sandra Fluke was a "slut" and "prostitute" for insisting that other people -- taxpayers or insurance companies, she wasn't picky -- pay for her birth control, Rush Limbaugh asked a question about Fluke today on his radio show that we're unlikely to hear from what he derides as the "drive-by media." Fluke, who somehow survived her…

Ed Schultz Gets it Backward, Claims GOP Wants Illegals Flooding Border

July 29th, 2014 3:35 PM
Since libtalker and MSNBC action hero Ed Schultz said this on his daily podcast, behind the curtain as it were, it's impossible to discern if he did so with a straight face. But based on Schultz's extensive history of delusional rants, one can safely assume that Schultz actually believes it. Schultz was talking with "Ring of Fire" radio show co-host Mike Papantonio, a man attempting the…

Zing! Limbaugh Aptly Compares Obama to MSNBC's Ronan Farrow

July 25th, 2014 7:16 PM
Five years and running into the Obama presidency and Rush Limbaugh may have just come up with the best analogy for it. On his radio show Wednesday, Limbaugh cited an awkward parallel between our gallant leader and Ronan Farrow, the lighter-than-air MSNBC midday anchor of indeterminate paternity. (Audio after the jump)

Those Aren't Rockets That Hamas is Shooting at Israelis, They're 'Soft

July 18th, 2014 7:42 PM
The envelope please for most inane apologia in defense of Hamas this week ... Even worse, this particular inanity comes from Thom Hartmann, a top-rated talker on the barren moonscape known as liberal radio. In response to a caller who took him to task for blaming Israel for the latest flare-up, Hartmann downplayed the peril posed by Hamas firing hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians. (…

CBS Touts Archie Taking Bullet For Gay Friend; Inadvertently Reveals P

July 16th, 2014 11:33 PM
Anthony Mason spotlighted the death of comic book character Archie Andrews on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, and pointed out that "it all ends...when an adult Archie takes a bullet aimed by a stalker at a gay friend." Mason turned to the comics' publisher, Jon Goldwater, and wondered if he was "trying to make a political statement with this comic book" [MP3 audio available here; video below the…

Limbaugh Mocks Liberal Myth of 'Take Back Our Country' as Coded Racism

July 15th, 2014 9:49 PM
Funny how it wasn't considered racist when liberals were demanding to "take back our country" during the Bush 43's stint in the White House. A single presidency later, the term is unabashed dog-whistle racism, at least according to those who were so inclined to spout it in the past. As ever, it's only racist when conservatives say it. Liberals, as shown by their ardent devotion to the…

Thom Hartmann: Saddam Brought 'Peace and Stability for Decades' to Ira

July 10th, 2014 7:42 PM
But hey, give the man credit -- how often do left-wingers ever admit that Saddam Hussein was a socialist? In the last two decades, the number of times I've heard them acknowledge this comes in somewhere around less than hardly ever. If Saddam had been a right-winger, we'd all have heard that repeated ad infinitum and then some. But because he wasn't -- just the opposite, in fact -- Saddam's…

Where is Hollywood Telethon for Illegal Immigrant Children, Limbaugh A

July 10th, 2014 1:51 PM
A perceptive question that no one else has thought to ask, at least not to my knowledge. Rush Limbaugh followed that by explaining why such a high-visibility fundraiser for tens of thousands of "unaccompanied alien children" converging on the border won't be held. Given the scale of the crisis, you'd think that the civic-minded denizens of Hollywood would be in high gear to do something,…

NPR Boosts Plight of Catholic School Teacher Fired For Same-Sex 'Marri

July 9th, 2014 5:46 PM
Adam Ragusea provided little balance on Wednesday's Morning Edition on NPR, as he covered a homosexual man's lawsuit against his former employer – a Catholic school – who let him go after he announced his planned same-sex "marriage" on Facebook. Ragusea played just one soundbite from a conservative legal scholar, and failed to include any from the local Catholic diocese or the school. The…

'Senior' Political Reporter at HuffPo Belatedly Learns Clinton Bombed

July 8th, 2014 4:53 PM
Something tells me Zach Carter won't be making many media appearances in the months to come, at least not while still employed by Huffington Post. HuffPo's "senior political economy reporter" -- quite possibly the only time you'll see that job title -- made a mess of things during a recent appearance on Hugh Hewitt's radio show by demonstrating that his opposition to the Iraq war is a mile…

NOW President: Hobby Lobby Ruling is Example of Supreme Court Waging

July 3rd, 2014 7:16 PM
Incoming! Clear the deck! Oops, sorry ... yet another false alarm resulting from altogether too much loose talk about "war" where none exists. Liberals have so incessantly flogged the "war on women" meme that they have fully crossed the line into caricature, just as their kneejerk claims of racism heaved at anyone who dares disagree have rendered the word devoid of any meaning. (Audio after…

Thom Hartmann: Elder Bush 'Murdered' Iraqi Soldiers Fleeing Kuwait

July 2nd, 2014 6:27 PM
Fortunately, there might still be time for the show trial that Thom Hartmann craves. Hartmann, long atop the decidedly short list of popular liberal radio hosts, has again lapsed into the language of fringe leftist, this time while talking about the horrific situation in Iraq, al Qaeda's rationale for attacking the US on 9/11, and the Persian Gulf war. (Audio after the jump)

Limbaugh Eviscerates Chelsea Clinton's Laughable Claim That She Doesn

June 25th, 2014 11:57 AM
You'd think the Clintons would have learned by now that if they keep lobbing meatballs over the plate, Rush Limbaugh will keep cranking them out of the park. Latest example of that delightful dynamic occurred after it was reported in the New York Daily News that Chelsea Clinton claims she is -- sigh -- indifferent toward money. Yes, the same Chelsea Clinton who, along with equally…