A Story So 'Earth-Shaking,' It's Highlighted Four Times
October 7th, 2007 9:52 AM
Were you aware that embattled Idaho Senator Larry Craig has been inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame? If you journeyed over to MSNBC.com, you couldn't miss [this AP] story; their 8:30am EDT update highlights it not once, not twice, not three times, but four times in different sections of their main page. Here's one from the "Inside MSNBC.com" segment:
MSNBC Gets Duped By Parody Website, Uses Satirical Al Sharpton Quote
August 24th, 2007 11:22 AM
On Thursday, Alex Johnson wrote an article about beleaguered quarterback Michael Vick published at MSNBC.com.In it, he quoted Rev. Al Sharpton as basically saying that the whole issue was being over-hyped due to racism stating, "If the police caught Brett Favre (a white quarterback for the Green Bay Packers) running a dolphin-fighting ring out of his pool, where dolphins with spears attached to…
More Games with Party Labeling in Yet Another Democratic Corruption Sc
July 13th, 2007 7:21 PM
See below for an update in coverage:The indicted former Newark Mayor and current NJ state Senator Sharpe James sure is mysterious. According to the New York Times, WNBC and via the AP, the Wall Street Journal, Yahoo, Philadelphia Inquirer and the UK's Guardian, among others, James seemingly does not belong to a political party. Maybe he belongs to the same non-party as Rep. William Jefferson who…
Olbermann Claims Counter-terrorism Report 'Created' to Give Chertoff C
July 13th, 2007 3:22 PM
Does Keith Olbermann even read the MSNBC website ?On Thursday’s Countdown (as well as his blog “The News Hole”), MSNBC host Keith Olbermann continued his attack on Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff’s “gut feeling” about increased terrorist vulnerability. In his expert analysis, Olbermann theorized that Chertoff’s comment was a mistake, and that the Bush administration hurriedly (…
Keith Olbermann: Terrorism Expert
June 30th, 2007 9:12 PM
Keith Olbermann, the same guy that pooh-poohed the seriousness of the terror plot of the so-called Fort Dix Six, hinted on his "The News Hole" blog last night that he had a similarly dismissive attitude about the London bomb attempts of June 29. [Olbermann covered the story on his program, but I have not had a chance to review the tape]Here's the pearl of moonbattery from Olbermann's blog last…
Time Writer: I Took My Kid to Anti-Bush Play Date/Fundraiser, So What
June 21st, 2007 1:40 PM
Earlier today, NewsBusters contributor Pam Meister picked up on the MSNBC investigation into journalists' political contributions. Nearly 87 percent of the journalists gave exclusively to Democratic candidates.Now some journos are reacting, and it seems the ones at Time magazine don't see the big deal.Aside from Time.com Washington editor Ana Marie Cox's dismissive blog entry entitled, "OMG OMG…
Newsweek Recycled Organic Food Myths in Promo Piece
June 18th, 2007 9:00 PM
Part of a regular web-only health-centric column, "Tip of the Week," Newsweek ran a June 14 piece written by Ruth Olsen, called “How to shop for organic foods without breaking your budget,” that hit many of the usual myths and wishful thinking about organic foods, such as, organic foods taste better than conventional foods (which are labeled “nonorganic” in the article, implying they deviate from…
Newsweek Portrays Dems as Answer to GOP and Big Government
June 11th, 2007 12:10 PM
The May 14 issue of Newsweek proclaimed that some descendants of famous Republicans--Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater--are thinking about changing parties and voting Blue. In an article titled, “Generational Tensions: The sons and daughters of some iconic Republicans (Ike! T.R.!) are contemplating crossing the aisle,” reporter Michael Hirsch set up the improbable idea…