National Geographic

National Geographic Uses an AP Photo Including Bush 43 in Item About O
October 20th, 2012 12:03 AM
Electric vehicle battery maker A123 filed for bankruptcy on Tuesday. Part of the caption at an Associated Press photo found at a National Geographic report about the "hurdles for clean tech" on Wednesday stated that the company "received a $6 million grant from the Bush administration in 2007 and a $249 million grant from the Obama administration in 2008."
That's pretty funny (actually…

National Geographic Defends Choice to Air ‘Seal Team Six’ Two Days
October 8th, 2012 1:26 AM
National Geographic's cable television channel is defending its decision to air a new live-action movie entitled "Seal Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden," which focuses on the May 2011 operation that led to the death of the world's most wanted terrorist right before the November election. And if you miss the first showing, you'll be able to catch it on Netflix starting on Monday, still with…

National Geographic Harps on 'Intolerant Attitudes' in Bible
December 24th, 2011 5:02 PM
Adam Nicolson couldn't resist inserting a blast at traditional sexual ethics into an article about the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible in the December 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine. Nicolson labeled the Book of Leviticus's condemnation of homosexual acts a "troubling part of the King James inheritance: a ferocious and singular moral vision that has become unacceptable in…
National Geographic Warns Global Warming Leads to Increased Violence
March 26th, 2010 11:32 AM
On March 24, Ker Than argued in National Geographic that "Global warming could make the world a more violent place, because higher temperatures increase human aggression and create volatile situations."Reporting on the findings of a new study released last week, Than repeated the study authors' estimate of increase in violence as temperatures climb: "[I]f the average temperature in the U.S.…
Anatomy of a Biased Headline: Part Deux
September 19th, 2008 5:11 PM
We've covered it here before. It's akin to that old child's game where one person whispers something into another's ear, passes it on to several others, until the final statement is no longer vaguely recognizable as being related to the first. So, here we go again with Anatomy of a Biased Headline... Let's start with a recent study funded by the National Science Foundation, in which…
Wetlands Methane Counteracts Kyoto Emissions Cuts
September 19th, 2007 7:18 PM
A new study that will appear in Thursday's journal Nature revealed that methane being released from bogs in what is now Great Britain likely contributed to global warming 55 million years ago. Maybe more importantly, when you add up the methane being released from wetlands around the world, it could completely counteract all the carbon dioxide emissions reductions mandated by the Kyoto…
'Arctic Tale' 'Documentary' Scripted; Tricks Kids Into Worrying About
July 26th, 2007 1:18 PM
Environmentalists are targeting kids and using deception to get their message out. Anthropogenic global warming evangelists and wildlife filmmakers, Sarah Robertson and Adam Ravetch, made the upcoming live action “Arctic Tale” because as Robertson told the LA Times, "Global warming to a lot of people is statistics...What we wanted to do was put a face on climate change." OK, so there's the goal…